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Hi guys,

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It seems like my VPN is working again, a bit randomly though, but enough to upload the game on MEGA.

Patch coming soon too!

Sorry again for the delay and thanks for your patience!



Seriously, if you want to streamline the game, delete the airport. Have it open back up as the portal into the next chapter/game. Delete the stewardesses (Penny and Emika), move Iyo's intro to the mall (SHOPLIFTER!), and move the pimping events somewhere else. The Countryside Inn, maybe?


It occurs to me that Saiko and Mitsuko, as two of the six women available to you from Day One, are basically identical, in terms of the sex role they play. They are large-breasted Japanese women who are trying to balance their exhibitionistic tendencies (brought to the fore by the MC) against their responsibilities as leaders and role models. Two of six. And Saiko shares something else with Aiko, another of those six; she has exactly the same sex acts by level. The only two women in the game AFAIK with that precise set of actions. She needs a different set, and give her existing set to Daisuki (who is certainly maternal-looking). I've got another solution to make Mitsuko more distinctive, but it's pretty drastic. I originally thought of it as simple pruning, but I realize it impacts some already-completed harem endings and would involve more work up front (even though it saves work down the line). If you want me to share the idea here, go ahead and ask, or I could PM it if you prefer.


I'm afraid I have no plans to change any of the completed girls. My only aim now is to add the few missing events/commands for some features (slave, doll mode and such) and then CarpeNoctem will focus on completing the 6 extra girls voted by my patrons. I know it will not please everybody but even if I change stuff to match your taste, there will be another player to complain about the changes and request something different. So I'll just focus on what needs to be done to complete the game that changing anything already existing. Sorry about that :x


C'est la vie. Wish I'd discovered y'all earlier in the development process (and had cash to spare, I've overdrafted my checking acct 2x in the last 3 months...)


I just can't let this sit. This wasn't just about "my taste", about liking or not liking a girl, but more fundamental issues I see with plot, cast, and structure. It was about slimming down the game thru consolidating plot points, covering all the bases with fewer cast members while not double-covering any bases. Seriously, if the only practical difference between Mitsuko and Saiko (as school staff) is Saiko's love of karaoke (which could easily be transferred to Shiho or any other professional), then what does having both as-is accomplish? FWIW my solution would have been to get rid of Fujiko as the school disciplinarian, while transferring that and other aspects of her to other characters. It would have been a multi-way exchange, involving a fair amount of ,juggling blocks of code, I have no illusions about that. I realize that runs counter to your wish to finish this game in two years, but you know, sometimes the process of cleaning a room makes it messier first. You've made your call and I can't change that, but if I had anything other than zero skill with this platform, I'd mod the game as follows: I'd transfer Saiko's karaoke plot and sexual Traits to someone else (not necessarily the same person), Mitsuko's exhibitionism scenes and sexual Traits to Saiko (to emphasize the existing implied exhibitionism of in-class vibe wearing, which would be kept), then move Fujiko's disciplinarian aspect to Mitsuko. Fujiko can then be removed as school staff, archived (and maybe open the door to put my personal favorite, Miho, back in? But that's a side issue). This eliminates an unneeded middle(wo)man and we would know where Hikari gets her inclinations from, aside from just being affluent. This also removes the Aiko/Saiko redundancy (as women), two birds with one stone. Ayumi's mother would have to become someone else (Shiho?), maybe even replace Shiho's art/models with Fujiko's, ("Fuhiho"?) because Fujiko has the right sort of upscale/sexy style, AND existing Fujiko/Ayumi dynamics and renders remain usable. If we don't want Mitsuko catching our tardy hero in the halls herself, it could be Sarah (who is underutilized on days she doesn't teach) spotting the MC & sending him to the principal's office (obviously not Tue/Thur afternoons...) . Complicated, sure, but take the steps in the right order and nothing necessary gets lost. It seems doable, but again, I don't really know. Maybe I'll dive in and learn about modding...


That's quite an overhaul you planned but this is unfortunately not my aim for Glassix since that would be way too much work. I know Glassix is not perfect. It has been in development for almost 4 years now and not everything was planned from the start and truth be told, I'm not really that picky about story background on my side. As long as it makes some sense and the girls are hot, that's fine by me. This is because I'm more of a tech guy rather than a writer which is why I'm not too focused on all the details you mentioned but which I can understand when explained like you did. This is why some team usually have a separate writer who'll focus on all those details on his side. But working alone on my side, I'm afraid I can only deliver what my skills allow me too. Though it's too late to affect the outcome of Glassix now, look forward to my next games once Glassix is finished ;) Feedback is always appreciated so thanks for giving my your insights!


That was a bit of a rant, wasn't it? Sorry, and thank you for the kind response. I'm just enough of a (frustrated amateur) writer and techie to think of these things. Like I said, I had no illusions that any of this would really happen, unless I catch up on tech I've neglected for years and years and make a game myself. But it is an interesting thought experiment if nothing else. The girls in Glassix are generally pretty hot, and I appreciate the variety you have striven to put in, from the tall and slender Ayumi to the shorter and zaftig Daisuki. Oh, wait, that's called "thicc" these days.