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Hi guys!

Fourth post today! Sorry for the flood :p

Anyway, I wanted to talk about the past two months which have been quite busy for me and reduced the content of the game.

Due to vacation in July then moving apartment plus my son sickness early August and finally a big increase in my web dev work needed to prepare for the future cost of my son's school next year (Why is it so f*cking expensive for foreigners!), it greatly reduced the amount of time I could work on Glassix and Lust Complex. Glassix being my main priority right now, I've not had much time to work on Lust Complex the past two months.

So I wanted to make things clear now that I have had time to organize my plans.

Regarding Glassix, completing the game is my priority. To consider it complete, there are two aspects of the game that needs to be fulfilled:

The missing content for some features: From the latest poll content , you can see what I mean by that. There are still 5 features which are lacking content and I'll work on this myself so that each feature in the game as enough content. This means several extra events and/or commands for these features and I guess it'll take about 1-2 months per feature so about 1 year to complete all that.

Completing the remaining girls: From the latest extra girl poll, you can see the list of the girl who still need to be completed (14 in total). This part is worked on by CarpeNoctem and the pace should be about 1 obedience event per month since there is a lot of content for each level. That's more than four years of work on this, way too long to my taste. Which is why I'm planning to remove some of the girls from the game to make it clear. I could leave them in the game as it is now but there will always be players asking about them so I prefer to make it clear by completely removing them, possibly create an external pack for them if some players wishes so, but the core game, v1.0, will not contain them.

So among the remaining girl, there are currently 4 girls which are important due to story settings: 

  • Iyo, the junior cop. Her story will be important and linked with Shizuru (Plus I like her asian type :p)
  • Wakana, the aquatic park lifeguard. Manage the job at the aquatic park and already appears several time.
  • Nabila, the underwear shop clerk. Already seen several times and often linked to Kristina's story
  • Atsuko, the conbini clerk. Kanto's mother and needed for Kristina's story

So those 4 will stay in the game for sure. That leaves us with 10 others girls which can be removed without affecting the story to much. Note for Shiho who also appears from time to time and offers a job but her story has some similarities with Marylin and in case she is removed, her job will be moved to Marylin's workplace instead.

After discussion with CarpeNoctem, the plan would be to remove 6 girls: 

  • Penny (often last in the polls and already a stewardess to add)
  • Tokie & Kinu (minor jobs)
  • Miwa (already a nurse in the game)
  • Chan-Mei (Minor story)
  • Shiho (Too similar to Marylin)

However that would still be more than two years of work and since I'd like to have 2 years at most, I'd like to remove 2 more girls. So the new plan is to let patrons vote for the 2 girls out of the 4 remaining to be removed from the game. All of this is still only a plan though. I'll wait for the current girl poll to be finished to judge if this is still a good plan then will release a poll to remove girls.

On another note related to Glassix, I'm also not satisfied with the latest Devil's Lust content I added in 0.40, mainly the class orgy. I tried to use black character often used in other games but the result is not satisfactory. Plus the writing and image could be better. With CarpeNoctem help, I'll be reworking this event in next version and add more orgy events using the Devil's Lust spell. I'll also help CarpeNoctem to complete the sexy suits outfit missing images for his own girl over the next few months so that we can consider this part complete. So basically, I'll increase my focus and time on Glassix from now on.

Now regarding Lust Complex, as explained, the advancement has been quite slow and the game could be considered on hold right now. At the moment, I plan to leave it like this and work on it when I have some spare time between Glassix and my web dev work but that won't be much each month. Once Glassix is done, I'll switch back to Lust Complex full time, I have lots of ideas to make it more interesting that it is now but working on two games with two different engines is too complicated to maintain, I should have anticipated when starting Lust Complex, call it a newbie mistake.

That is all for this post, I hope you'll understand and forgive those choices forced by real life necessities. Those plans could change in the future depending in the situation of course.

In any case, thanks for time and support so far!



Are there still plans for Ayumi's sister?


It’s unfortunate that you want to remove Miwa a very interesting character


At the moment, she would be only planned once I finish all the content update so at the end of this year maybe if patrons want her.


Yeah, I know some players will feel like losing some interesting girl but I'm afraid I have to cut some girls out if I want the game to ever reach 1.0. It's already been 3 years on it and already planning 2 more years to complete it. That's already a lot :x


Less but more developed characters tend to be much better than a lot of them who barely get any meaningful screentime. After a while diminishing returns always set in.