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Hi guys!

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  • Changed icon for walk waypoint with travel time over 2 hours to spot them more easily  (Thanks Salking!) 
  • French translation updated by CarpeNoctem
  • Fixed spell Second Wind restoring incorrect amount of stamina (Thanks Salking!)
  • Fixed typo in Eimi level 1 event (Thanks Salking!)
  • Fixed tooltip over girl icon when using Devil Tracker spell (Thanks Salking!)

Thanks for the reports!



Some feedback if i may: One thing that turns me away from this game is navigation, specifically that you need to highlight on a move icon to know where it leads. Sure if you play enough you start to memorize where you need to go and certain spells help you navigate, but it would be great if movement icons are always highlighted so i know where they lead.


Well, a few players reported this annoyance. I could add a destination feature which would automatically indicates which exit you need to take to go somewhere (similar to the tracker spell). I'm also planning to update the textual waypoint feature which was an alternative to the icons waypoint feature and which displayed the exit in textual form in the top right corner. I had to disable it in the past due to the tracker spell but seeing more requests for it, I'll definitely update it asap. Thanks for your feedback :)