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Hi everybody!

Rewards update:

Since the start of this campaign, I've been adjusting the rewards depending on what the plan was and what I could offer. With my work on Lust Complex and Glassix in the past few months, there are  a few things that are now outdated or have to be changed:

  • Poll access: This reward was created when I was still using the Patreon poll feature which gave 1 vote to all patrons and I wanted to give more voting powers to higher tier patrons. With the custom page I made to give Patrons different amount of votes, the limitation to poll access to 15$ tier is not necessary anymore which is why all patrons can now access to all future polls with different amount of votes.
  • Monthly renders: This reward was added when I started to work on Lust Complex with Unity and Daz 3D to create the 3D animations. The plan was to create the animations in Daz 3D and import them in Unity giving me the ability to create exclusive 3D renders for 15$+ patrons. I bought a few 3D H animations for Daz and started to render them as rewards however after I tried to export them to Unity, it appeared it was not compatible at all and I had to directly animate in Unity which is why there have been no render the last few months being to busy with the change. However I do like the idea of creating games with 3D renders so I'd like to keep this reward up but rename it to "Random renders" since I might not deliver those monthly, mainly in case a future game of mine uses 3D renders rather than real time 3D in which case I'd use Daz again and be able to deliver exclusive renders again.
  • Access to completed games: This reward for 10$+ patrons was there to basically sell the ongoing games in advance for a minimum amount of 10$. Several patrons suggested to change this so that the 10$ amount could be split into several months rather than 1 month at once. I'll take this chance to add this change and will update the front page. So if you're a 1$ patrons for 10 months, you'll receive the full ongoing game upon completion even if you stop being a patron after that.
  • Scene requests: This reward is new for 25$ patrons. They will be able to request specific new events with the girl of their choices from me and CarpeNoctem and we'll do our best to implement them in a future version. Right now, the plan is to get in contact with the 25$ patrons during this month, agree on the scene and implement the new scene the following month. So a 1 month delay for the scene creation.

Goals update:

I had a talk with some players saying that pledging to some campaigns which already earned too much was pointless since there was a limit to what they could achieve each month anyways so the extra money was a bit wasted. I do get the point and I agree with it as long as the creator and his team do earn enough for the work done. Since I prefer to work alone myself or with few competent people, I thought updating the goals to reflect on this idea.

The idea would be to update the BETA access rewards if I start earning too much so that patrons can pay less to access them lowering my income but still earning enough for my work. After some thinking and calculations based on the current numbers of my campaign, I went with those 3 new goals based on my number of patrons rather than the amount I earn: 

  • 800 patrons: All BETA versions access will be reduced by one tier
  • 1300 patrons: All BETA versions access will be reduced by one tier 
  • 2500 patrons: All BETA versions access will be reduced by one tier

What does that mean exactly ?

Right now, BETA versions of my games are accessible right away for 10$, 1 week after to 5$ patrons and 3 weeks after for 2$ patrons.

When reaching the first goal, it would mean the BETA versions of my games would be accessible right away for 5$, 1 week after to 2$ patrons and 3 weeks after to 1$ patrons.

When reaching the second goal, they would be accessible right away for 2$ patrons and 1 week after to 1$ patrons.

When reaching the third goal, they would be accessible right away for all patrons.

So basically, strength in number :p With this change, I wouldn't earn more than what I can deliver and patrons would access my games for cheaper. I think that's a good solution to the situation mentioned above. Plus if those goals are indeed reached, maybe other creators could follow and patrons could access and support many more games for the same amount as now. That's worth a shot.

If those changes seem unfair to you, do not hesitate to ask for a refund with my heartfelt apology for disappointing you, I'm just trying to adjust to my current situation.

I'll go back to working on the games now, thanks for your time and understanding!