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Hi guys!

First of all, happy new year to all of you! I hope you've got some nice resolves for this coming year and that you'll stick to it :p

The last two weeks have been quite busy for me, hence this late news. The last Glassix patch covered a lot of missing images in the game and thanks to your report, we're fixing those mistakes little by little. I still have a few more reported bugs to solve for Glassix but will do so in v0.33.

I've also updated the Glassix website design to add more details, some taken from the wiki and some taken from the frequently asked questions, like how to install the game or the patch. Since some players do not come from Patreon, it makes things easier for them to find information. If you can think of any other questions to add to the list, let me know!

Now, about  the poll results for the new girl, CarpeNoctem prepared a post for you but since Patreon doesn't allow multiple account management for a campaign, I'll paste it myself here:


Hello everyone,

Happy new year everybody. :-)

I take this opportunity to give you some information about what will be my priorities for the 4-5 first months of 2019.

Since the last Patreon poll for the next character has given us a very tight result between the twin sisters and Marylin (the town hall secretary), I will develop the three of them at the same time. But as the twins are made to work together, it shouldn't be as much work than three different normal characters: they have a couple of shared events. The night events for the twins will surely be quite tricky, as they share the same bed: it won't be so easy to know who each one actually is and the risk to touch the wrong one will be real. Their appearance will be slightly changed to suppress a physical difference that allows identifying them too easily.

On top of that, I will have to do the good endings. As Gaweb will continue to focus his work on Lust Complex, I will take care of the good ending of his eight characters too. Some special events will be added to allow reaching this ending for some characters, like Sarah. This ending will be a bit different from bad ending, sending us 1 and 5 years later, which will allow us to finally show some pregnancy (it has been asked quite a lot!) even if the models' physical shape is not perfect. SBPR is not good at all for such things.

Finally, there is a slight balancing to do to finalize the Sexen gain. We have noticed that two daily commands are not influenced at all by the character's preferences, the gain of Sexen being the same (or almost...) for everyone whatever their stats are: Titjob and anal sex. A little modification of these commands should fix that, offering an alternative conclusion for some characters who actually have an affinity with this kind of act and that make them give more Sexen for it. Sometime in all situations, sometime only on certain features: you'll have to try to find the best combinations (or to check on the wiki). These modifications will be mostly in the game's code; just a few pictures may be changed but not so much.

All this should probably keep me quite busy until end of May.

I still have a huge backlog of "to-do" things I would like to add to the game: more daily events, special commands triggered by spell, variation of posture for vaginal sex (it's have been progressively added since Kristina), more ecchi options for job and training scenes, more alternative ending for daily commands, more quest to unlock new sexy suits, more options for these new More ordinary days events (also known as Teaser events). And still the incredible number of missing pictures for all the new suits, not mentioning the last four dates that must be added, etc. I know that some of you have asked for some of these things. But as patrons choose to focus on the addition of new characters, it will be my main priority for these five next months to add three of them. We'll check after that what will be the wish of everyone here.

This year like the previous one, I will do my best to give you more diversity, more choices with different consequences on the story, to add a lot of new stuff and to try to make the game better.



That's it for his message! This should give you a rough idea of what to expect for Glassix in the next few months.

As CarpeNoctem said, I've decided to rely on him regarding the writing of the good endings. Being more of a developer myself, I think it will be better written if Carpe Noctem was taking care of that himself (after we consulted about the good endings content for each girls together of course and I approved of those). This way, it would give me more time to work on Lust Complex.

I received a few message of disappointments regarding this decision. Many of my patrons are here for Glassix and not for Lust Complex and seeing me switch my time to the new game doesn't work well for them which is understandable. In my campaign introduction, I always wrote that I planned to work on different games and not just be known for Glassix. I intend to stick to my words even if it means losing some patrons (which is what is happening right now but that was expected with such a change). I'm not giving up on Glassix of course. I'm just switching to what I'm best at. Carpe Noctem has a lot of requirements for his ideas to take form into Glassix and I'll do have a lot of code to add in Glassix for them to work. I'm also reviewing all the content he submits so it stays true to the Glassix lore but so far, he hasn't had much need for me to correct stuff. And I do plan to also work on all the extra content later, like generating the news outfits images which are currently lacking and all the extra stuff detailed in CarpeNoctem's post above.

But right now, I feel like I have to work more on Lust Complex to show its full potential. The last alpha did not include any H content and it does feel like a let down for you and for me. For this month, I'll try to release an update with some H content and the blackmail feature so you guys can see where this game is going. This means 2 releases for this month, Glassix 0.33 and Lust Complex 0.2. I'll keep you updated next week on how the development advanced.

I hope this change of direction will not bother you too much and that you'll keep supporting me. Let me know if you have any questions about this!

Thanks for your time and understanding!