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What's new :

  • Money added to the game
  • 15 items added
  • 4 shops added
  • 7 jobs to earn money
  • 5 private lessons event to raise your skills faster
  • Emiri obedience level 3 & 4
  • 4 new extra girls
  • New Yoga club in Street J, Downtown 
  • New Firm law office in Street N, Southside
  • Girls now use their swimsuit and sport outfit when required

About the items :

Currently, items are divided in 3 categories : food, drink and gifts. You can buy items and give them to the girl for an affection bonus. Giving food will lower their hunger while giving them drinks will increase their bladder level. You can also eat food or drink drinks yourself to restore stamina. You can access and use your items in your status page, Items tab. To give items to girls, just talk to them and you'll see a new option for that. The affection bonus will depend on either her food taste or her gift taste which can be discovered through one of Lily's spell at the moment.

The outfits type of items will be added later on once we've organized and produced all the images for their sexy casual outfits and sexy underwear.

At the moment, I only added 15 items to see how it goes. Truth be told, I lacked inspiration for them so we'll be added a lot more with each patch and versions in the future.

About the shops :

I've only added 4 shops since they were not that many items yet but in the future, the town will have lots of shops.  Shops can sell the same items but at different prices meaning it'll be interesting to discover the best spots for each type of items (in the future at least).

The outfit and underwear shops will be added when the proper images have been prepared as explained just above. Those will sell the sexy casual outfits of most girls as well as the sexy underwear. The sexy work outfits will be unlocked through quests.

Jobs & Training :

Currently, the only way to earn money is to work. By talking to the right girls at the right locations, you'll have access to an option to work with them and earn money. 

Some girls will also offer to train certain skills for money. It's faster than doing it by yourself and can also lead to H options (in a later update though)

The new extra girls :

3 of them are basically teller or saleswoman for the several shops and park in town. The 4th one is actually special and will be quite useful. She is the mayor assistant. By getting friendlier with her, you'll be able to change the different work rules in town and basically unlock the sexy work outfits of other girls. But that'll also come later.

I've also corrected a bug with the girls outfits not loading the proper images during H command. However, do note that not all images have been produced yet and if the image is missing, it will default to the naked version.

I've received a lot of feedback about how to improve the game and noted many of them. I'll write a proper post about those ideas later since many are good ideas and were not included in the roadmap yet but it's worth writing about them and letting you all know it'll be worked on in the future too.

Let me know if you encounter any troubles with this version.

Thanks a lot for your time and support ! 




Could someone send me an email with the save point from 0.23?


having trouble saving my game


Be sure to place the game folder in a drive with proper writing permission. Usually, on your desktop or your C:/ drive should be fine. Or C:/Progam Files