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Hi all,

There seem to have been a few misunderstandings in my previous post and I wanted to clarify many points which confused many of you.

  • 1) Glassix PUBLIC version will remain FREE as it already is. I never intended to charge for the PUBLIC version. The only change I'm bringing to the Glassix release process is just adding a 2 months delay on the release of the FREE version of Glassix to give players an incentive to pledge the 10$ reward.
  • 2) The 10$ reward gives you access to the BETA versions of the month you pledge but also to the FINAL version of the game once it's completed. Many of you thought they'd need to keep pledging 10$ each month to get access to the FINAL version. That is a huge mistake and I never thought of asking patrons to pay that much money just for a game, I'm not an idiot :p So for example when the BETA version of Lust Complex is ready, you can pledge 10$ ONCE and when the FINAL version of Lust Complex is released, you'll get a copy with NO ADDITIONAL PLEDGE.
  • 3) The 10$ reward not only gives you access to the BETA versions, but also to ALL my previously completed games. This means when Lust Complex is completed and I'm working on a new game, patrons will have access to the BETA of the new game + the BETA version of Glassix + Lust Complex FINAL version + Vampire Revenge FINAL version. 2 games + 2 BETA for 10$, I don't think that's a bad deal. Currently, it means you pay 10$ and you'll get Glassix BETA + Vampire Revenge + Lust Complex FINAL version. There is no BETA version for Lust Complex yet but since the game has already been announced, any 10$ pledge already includes its FINAL version. Note it does not cover FINAL versions of games not announced YET. So if I work on Vampire Revenge 3D or Glassix 3D next year, you'll have to pledge 10$ once more to get their FINAL version + their current BETA.
  • 4) The 5$ reward only gives access to STABLE versions, not FINAL versions. This reward is there to allow patrons who already pledged 10$ to still get access sooner to the games at a lower price.

This leads me to the advises I got from many of you.

  • 1) Make all my games free after 2 months : After careful considerations, I decided not to take this path since I consider 10$ to access all BETA + completed games is not that much. You only have to pledge ONCE to get those games. Glassix will remain free due to the tool used for it, but I'd like my other games to be an incentive for players to pledge the 10$ reward at least once.
  • 2) Make all games accessible after pledging a certain amount : For this part, I agree it could be a possibility, if you pledged 10$ twice for example, it could give you access to the final release of a future game to match what I said previously. But to be honest, it'll take me at least a whole year to complete Lust Complex so I'll have to wait and see how things are going with the new campaign rewards first. But again, I'm not here to milk my patrons, I'm just trying to get a little more 10$ patrons to cover the many new expenses I have in both my personal and professional lives.
  • 3) Delay the releases by 2 weeks instead of 1 month : EDIT - After discussing this part with you, I changed my mind and will take this way instead to avoid too much delay.
  • 4) ANY REWARD PREVIOUSLY EARNED WILL STILL BE DELIVERED EVEN IF THE REWARD CHANGES. Some of you pledged 10$ last year when Vampire Revenge Rebirth was under development before the artist bailed on me. Obviously I can't deliver this now so to cover this part, any 10$ starting from August 2016 will get the first BETA version of Lust Complex + its FINAL version. Luckily, Patreon has a good log history so I have all the required names to deliver this once it's ready.

So to be sure I'm clear, here is the list of rewards with the new system :

  • FREE : Glassix PUBLIC version (1 month after BETA release)
  • 1$ : Access to news feed + Glassix Polls only
  • 2$ : Access to versions (3 weeks after BETA release) 
  • 5$ : Access to versions (1 week after BETA release)
  • 10$ : Access to BETA versions of all currently developed games + A copy of the FINAL versions of the currently developed games + Access to all ALREADY COMPLETED games
  • 15$ : Access to all Polls
  • 20$ : Name in credits 

I hope this makes sense like this. If there's still a confusing point here, please let me know so I can give more detail.

Thanks !



It would seem it is impossible to have a perfect solution. I commend your efforts to balance what makes sense as a business model for you and trying to make as many people as possible happy or at least content with the changes. I suspect some of it might also be the change for one model to another. I wonder if there would be as much comment if you started off with the new model.


Wait, I'm a little confused. This The only change I'm bringing to the Glassix release process is just adding a 2 months delay on the release of the FREE version of Glassix And this: Delay the releases by 2 weeks instead of 1 month : EDIT - After discussing this part with you, I changed my mind and will take this way instead to avoid too much delay. Seem to contradict each other, or am I missing something?


Because at the beginning, I was thinking about having a release in 3 steps : BETA right away for 10$, STABLE at 5$ 1 month after BETA release and then PUBLIC release 2 month after BETA. However talking with my patrons, it indeed appeared to be a bit too stretched so I shortened this 2 months delay from BETA to PUBLIC to only 1 month delay in total. And following more advises, I added 2 new rewards to get the releases sooner too.