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Sideways In and Out morphing multipliers

The Left / Right slider in Morph Multipliers has been replaced with separate Sideways In and Sideways Out sliders which can be used to better fine tune the amount of morphing that occurs inward and outward for both breasts. This might be helpful for optimizing the amount of morphing when using the Right/Left Angle Target and Twist Angle Target offsets to push breasts towards each other or to pull them apart from each other.


  • Fixed an issue where sideways in morphing on the right breast didn't work correctly
  • Previously, breasts would bulge quite clearly inward too much. This is now fixed. I reduced the amount of sideways in morphing, increased the amount of outward morphing, and rebalanced sideways morph values in general.
  • Twist Angle Target is no longer continuously updated if the offset value is 0, allowing SupaAdditionalClothPhysics to apply its Breast Rotation Multi Z parameter
  • At some point during 5.2 development, the "Other" header had disappeared from the Morph Multipliers and Gravity Multipliers tabs, it is now restored.



Appreciate the ClothPhysics tweak. Thank you!