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Hello everyone - and welcome to all the new patrons! I'm happy to see the number of subscribers has grown, with over 30 first timers joining. Thanks for your support! 

A bit of a foreword regarding activity - it's been a while since my previous post as this has been a bit quieter month for me, and the next month will also be a bit quieter. In practice I'm spreading out my usual one month's work across two months.

With that in mind, I want you to feel free to skip a month's payment without feeling bad - though if you want to pay for both months, that's great! Since subscribing itself is free (there's no upfront payment), it's possible to just sneak out before the end of the month and rejoin in the beginning of the next month. This Patreon is just to give people the opportunity to support what I do if they find it valuable (and to motivate myself), so the last thing I want is for anyone to feel they're not getting their money's worth. If you do decide to unsubscribe temporarily, remember that you can still hit the follow button and get updates during that time. :)

Now on to the changes in the first alpha version of 4.1.

4.1 alpha 1 changes and comments

The pectoral collider is now disabled, collision is now purely based on the soft colliders. I think it's most likely a bug in VAM that it was enabled in the first place since all it did was cause issues like the breast jumping weirdly when pushed from the side.

In simple terms, the effect of this change is that smaller breasts behave more realistically when touched. The pectoral collider is much more easy to collide with when there's less volume in the way, so larger breasts weren't affected much by it. 

Tweaks to physics settings:

  • Slightly increased fat mass for very large breasts and for small very soft breasts.
  • Reduced fat back force for large breasts, increased fat back force for small soft breasts - it should be a bit more consistent now how easily breasts of different size and softness will move when touched.
  • Very slightly increased damper.

Other changes:

  • Fixed a bug where the softness and quickness sliders wouldn't apply the correct value (which is the value when slider released from mouse hold), instead if would apply the value when the slider was first pressed down. In effect this bug made it very easy to accidentally have e.g. softness 30 even though meant 60 just because you pressed the slider down at 30.
  • Softness now affects the amount of morphing: at softness 0 breasts morph half as easily as at the default softness of 70. This is to ensure that low softness behave more like fake (or just very firm) breasts at the default morphing multipliers.
  • Increased the maximum values of the morphing multipliers to 3 (from 2).

A comment on the physics settings - 4.1 can still see some changes here, as I'm trying to get the default values to be as good as possible before implementing the feature for offsetting or overriding those values manually. I made some technical improvements to the physics settings calculation which enable me to apply any function (e.g. a curve or some kind of weighting or multiplication) to how a specific value is calculated. These will be useful for optimizing each setting for every combination of mass, softness and quickness. Currently the calculations are linear - i.e. a change of 1 in softness means the same amount of change in each physics setting regardless of whether softness is low or high, whether mass is low or high etc.



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