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Hello visitors and subscribers alike,

The next few months I'll focus on developing additional features and improvements to TittyMagic. The below roadmap has no set-in-stone schedule and can change as things progress. However, my intention is to spend a significant portion of my free time on development which I hope will translate into updates that you feel are worth having early access to. Anyway, here's what I'm planning next!

✔ Goal: Feature-complete and better polished Animation optimized mode

Currently, breasts morph in response to forces only along the chest Y axis.

  • Add sideways force morphing (breasts morph dynamically when shaking left/right, with shape similar to when leaning to the side) [✔ Added in 3.1]
  • Add forward/back force morphing as well (breasts expand and flatten when pushing in, and elongate when pushing out, with shape similar to leaning back or forward) [✔ Added in 3.1]
  • Try to make morph animation quality more consistent, currently it can look jittery if frame rate and physics rate aren't equal [✔ Fixed in 3.0.3]

Goal: Physics settings customizability [✔ Added in 5.0]

So far, the focus has been entirely on automating the task of getting breasts to look right. However, the physics settings calculated by TittyMagic reflect only my subjective sense of what's realistic, and many users might want to tweak the physics to better fit their personal preferences.

The what and the how are very much on the drawing board still. As soon as things start to take shape, I’ll let you know and give you the chance to get some early feedback in.

Goal: Custom morphs

With custom morphs, the realism of how breasts should shape when gravity and other forces act on them could be increased significantly. The built-in morphs used currently are far from a perfect fit for the plugin:

  • built-in morphs are a one size fits all solution: the effect on large breasts, breasts that droop, breasts that are perky etc. isn't quite right
  • many of the used morphs  affect both breasts, when realistically each breast should be able to move and shape on its own
  • the shape in general could be improved a lot

Using custom morphs would also reduce the number of required morphs to achieve a desired shape, and open the possibility for different morphing profiles to be used on breasts that are very different in size and shape.

Updating the plugin to use custom morphs could be a very time consuming undertaking though, so I'll be spreading that effort over at least a few months. Concrete steps towards completing this goal would look something like this:

1. learn how to sculpt good looking morphs in Blender
2. gather reference material ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
3. sculpt new morphs based on the reference material to look as realistic as possible
4. use the custom morphs in the plugin for both chest-angle based and force based dynamic adjustment

Goal: Improve the Touch optimized mode [✔ Added in 4.0, Improved in 5.0]

  • Improve the shape of large breasts when simulating the effect of gravity. Due to the low mass, large breasts can look quite different in Touch optimized mode compared to Balanced and Animation optimized modes, especially when upside down.
  • Investigate the possibility of morphing in response to forces to be used in Touch optimized mode. Custom breast-specific morphs are required because collision needs to affect each breast individually. I feel this has the potential to take fondling to the next level in VAM, but that's just speculation at this point.

Goal: Better support for breasts larger than 2kg [✔ Added in 5.0]

  • Currently, breast mass feeds into the plugin’s calculations on physics settings and breast shape, with the upper limit on effective breast mass of 2 kg (which is hardwired in VAM). To improve the physics and shape of massive mammaries, some of those calculations could be based on breast volume (or estimated mass) instead of the effective mass.

Goal: Limited compatibility with futa models [✔ Added in 4.0]

  • Given that futa models are just male bodies using female morphs, the plugin should be fairly easy to make compatible with chest angle based breast morphing on futa models so that breasts can droop, spread, lift etc. when leaning in different directions - just like on female models.
  • Physics settings are a different issue. If any physics settings automation can be done on futa models, it will likely be limited to the male pectoral physics settings.

While TittyMagic is the focus, I don't want to completely neglect my other plugins. A little time will also be dedicated on bug fixes and usability improvements to Lumination and HairLetLoose. In Lumination, I would also like to add "master controls" for adjusting multiple lights simultaneously, and in HairLetLoose, some hairstyles would benefit from the root rigidity setting to be adjustable by the plugin.

Finally, I have long wanted to make a plugin similar to TittyMagic but for the posterior area. The plugin has a name - BootyMagic - but zero lines of code. For the first version, my goal is to automate glute physics settings calculation. This might take quite a long time to get even started with, but I just wanted to let you know it's a potential thing.

Any thoughts on this roadmap are welcomed in the comments!




I love using your plugins in my scenes. Whether for the boobs, hair or for the right lighting. There are your plugins a must. A plugin for the butt would be a great approach and I would like it very much. Especially with small buttocks, this is very unnaturally missing in a crouched position.