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A final touch on the favorites feature, and some fixes. I'm a little bit behind on Naturalis development, got some catching up to do - development of new UXPlus features will be on hold for at least 3-4 weeks, maybe longer.

By the way, UXPlus's Hub resource doesn't have any reviews yet. If anyone would like to take 30 seconds to write a quick review, I'd really appreciate it! https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/uxplus.44333/ Thanks ❤

Auto-download latest versions of Hub hosted favorited plugins

The latest versions of Hub-hosted favorited plugins are now automatically downloaded when UXPlus starts up (i.e. at VAM start if it's in the user default session plugins preset). The configuration UI for Alternate Plugins List has these options:

You can enable the Download Latest When Favorited to also check for and download the latest version when you favorite a plugin. Note that if the latest version downloads after you toggle the favorite on, the plugins list doesn't automatically update to show that there is an Update available to the plugin. You need to navigate away from and back to the plugins tab, it should show the "Update..." button as clickable then. It should be possible to get it to update automatically in the future but it might be a bit tricky.


  • Fixed issue where the Alternate Plugins List's data about favorites and recent plugins was purged if you reloaded or removed UXPlus when the Alternate Plugins List module (or UXPlus itself) hadn't been enabled on startup

  • Fixed bug where a plugin was not reliably recognized as favorite if it was loaded at its latest installed package version

  • Fixed issue where a plugin that loaded with a compile error (red panel) couldn't be reloaded (not really an end user issue, more an issue for plugin developers)

  • Moved the PreviewCamHelper toggles from the configuration window to the "main card", replacing the Enabled toggle. The module is disabled if both "Pause Auto Blink" and "Pause Auto Expressions" toggles are unchecked.




It might be a little bit out of the scope but i was wondering if you have an idea for changing the theme (UI color interface/theme) of Vam. And if possible with a plugin that won't use BepinEX folder because it seems to conflict with MMD plugin (from ZHFX) for Vam. Many thanks for your advises !


VAM doesn't define its color scheme in any centralized way, let alone in a way that would allow easily changing the colors on the fly. The UI is mostly created from assets that exist as files in the VAM installation folder. I'm not that familiar with developing with BepinEx, but I assume it would be much easier to use it to load in modified versions of those assets rather than try to modify the UI at runtime


I see... thank you very much for the clariffication :)