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So the Behavior Expansion idea is
when you equip the Master magic in vanilla skyrim's behavior

it only let you play one magic
but in the behavior graph Bethesda call it ritual magic,
for me i think i would prefer like to add something more to increase its "Ritual"

So when you equip the master magic
you can press Binding key to bounding magic to your both hand.

after it , Not only your magic animations will change.
also, you can use a series music note magic attack: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La

And in the final Si music note stage ,
you can choose to cast vanilla Master magic

or  the Ultra music note magic.
In the Ultra Music Note magic , I add QTE system

it means you must press special Key in Special order
can cast success and release the ultra magic

I also increase the vanilla ritual behavior
so that you canturn in a different direction when cast Master magic
and dodge when casting

will release the behavior and animation to you test soon

leave the message below to share what you think


行為擴充的概念是當你在skyrim 中裝備了大師魔法時,原始的行為只允許你使用單一種魔法。然而,在行為圖中,貝塞斯達稱其為儀式魔法。對我來說,我更傾向於添加一些內容以增強這種"儀式"的感覺。







Ritual Magic (Master magic )Behavior Expansion Alpha Test : Behavior Concept and Animation #skyrim

0:00 start 0:39 Select a Master magic 0:47 Press the Bounding key 1:04 after bounding play different magic animation 1:13 different force equip animation 1:17 different dodge animation 1:21 different move animation 1:48 press again to remove binding 2:03 before binding ,only can use one magic 2:22 after bounding can use a series Note music magic behavior 4:18 Press S + Attack key into Final Si Stage but not success cast ultra magic 4:31 Final Si Stage QTE system (i press WASD) success cast ultra magic So the Behavior Expansion idea is when you equip the Master magic in vanilla skyrim's behavior it only let you play one magic but in the behavior graph Bethesda call it ritual magic, for me i think i would prefer like to add something more to increase its "Ritual" So when you equip the master magic you can press binding key to bounding magic to your both hand. after it , Not only your magic animations will change. also, you can use a series music note magic attack: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La And in the final Si music note stage , you can choose to cast vanilla Master magic or the Ultra music note magic. In the Ultra Music Note magic , I add QTE system it means you must press special Key in Special order can cast success and release the ultra magic (in video 4:31) I also increase the vanilla ritual behavior so that you canturn in a different direction when cast Master magic and dodge when casting https://www.patreon.com/posts/89012873 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 行為擴充的概念是當你在skyrim 中裝備了大師魔法時,原始的行為只允許你使用單一種魔法。然而,在行為圖中,貝塞斯達稱其為儀式魔法。對我來說,我更傾向於添加一些內容以增強這種"儀式"的感覺。 所以,當你裝備大師魔法時,你可以按下綁定按鍵,將魔法綁定到你的雙手上。此後,不僅你的魔法動畫會變化,你還可以使用一系列的音符魔法攻擊:Do(音階中的第一個音符),Re(第二個音符),Mi(第三個音符),Fa(第四個音符),Sol(第五個音符),La(第六個音符)。 在最後的Si(第七個音符)音符階段,你可以選擇施放原始的大師魔法,或者選擇終級音符魔法。在終級音符魔法中,我添加了QTE系統,這意味著你必須按照特定的順序按下特殊按鍵才能成功施放並釋放超級魔法。 我還增加了原始的儀式行為,以便在施放大師魔法時你可以轉不同方向 ,並在施放時進行閃避。 很快會釋放這個行為和動畫,讓你測試。


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