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Hi everyone, there are **three important things that must be reported**. Please reconsider whether you will continue to sponsor in the future based on these reports.

Due to the long-standing Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease problem

Was diagnosed as being caused by a stress-related illness

, So I have to make some changes to balance the "must have more time to rest" and "keep mod interest"


1. From August I will **close all tiers** and **only keep the 青龍 dragon tier**

So there is only one 5 dollar sponsorship option left in the future

In other words, the 白虎 white tiger  tier will be open for free, other tiers will be closed

,In this way, I will reduce the mod production time, and will not be affected by too many tiers

2. There will be **no BS files in future cloth mod**, but there will be CBBE versions.

The default body preset will be UUNP and original CBBE body from LE

3. I will leave more time to research other MOD fields, and I will also tend to release more Animation and different fields mods  in the future.

also plan to write some my mod  experience and put it in the discord channel

Finally, thank you for your support and sincerely wish you all keep good health

P.S. If you have any questions, welcome to discuss with me in private message


嗨各位 **有三件重要的事情必須報告** 請根據這些報告 再度考量您未來是否繼續贊助

由於長久的 腸胃問題 被 診斷出是精神壓力相關的疾病造成

,因此在"必須空出多點時間休息" 與"保留MOD興趣" 上取得平衡 我必須做出一些改變


1.從八月開始 我將**關閉 所有的tier 並只保留青龍tier** ,所以未來只剩下一個5鎂的贊助選項 

也就是說白虎tier將會開放免費  其他tier將會關閉



預設的body preset 會是uunp 與original cbbe body from LE

3.我會更加把時間留給研究其他領域, 未來也會傾向推出更多的動作與不同領域的模組

並且 規劃寫些 自己相關的心得經驗 放在discord群

最後感謝你們的支持  衷心祝福各位身體健康





Kape Tong
