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Hi folks!

First, thank you so much for sticking with me and helping out with Generative.fm. I'm really excited about the new player app and I hope you'll find it was worth the wait.

The new player is about 95% complete. I'm planning to finish it and make it available to you in the coming weeks. The core functionality is all there and this last 5% or so is mostly just finishing touches. After that, I'll be dedicating some time to testing the app as best I can and fixing any issues I find. This is something I would really appreciate your help with.

After I've done some testing of my own, I'll share a link with you before I announce the release elsewhere. If you could try it out and let me know if you have any issues, I can get those fixed before the rest of the users migrate over. Hopefully there's no show-stoppers for anyone, but if there are we can get them fixed early 🤞.

This means that for a short time you'll be able to use both the old and the new Generative.fm, but keep in mind that once you start using the new one, your activity on the old one will be ignored (your play time and likes are only pulled into the new player once!). Once the new player is released for real, I'll be taking the old one down.

Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions. In the meantime, here's some screenshots of the mobile-ready player. I took these while I was signed in (hence the account picture in the upper right).

How is your 2021 going so far?


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