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Hey folks, I wanted to share some prototypes of the new Generative.fm player and find out what you think of them. These are definitely not final and there's all sorts of stuff missing here!

Now that the recording functionality is off in its own app, I think of the player as having one primary purpose: to help you find something to listen to.

For me, there are two "modes" I'm in when I'm looking for music to listen to. The first is where I don't know what I'm looking for and I'm open to suggestions, and the second is where I know exactly what I'm looking for, even if not by name ("that one I listened to the other day"). The Browse page and the Library page are each meant to focus on one of these modes.

The Browse page presents a feed of categories that will probably change from time to time. The categories I have in mind right include things like "most played," "most liked," "your most played", etc, as well as having one for each flavor. I'd also like for you to be able to save any of these as a playlist that automatically updates. But you can also scroll to the bottom and just view every piece if you'd like, which will be a lot like the current site.

The Library page is more about finding the stuff you've already listened to, saved, or liked. There's a playlist which automatically contains all of your "liked" pieces so you can find them again easily (or should I make it a top-level category like "Recently played?"). You'll also be able to find custom playlists you've created.

Anyway, let me know what you think, even if you hate it.

P.S. Yeah, if you've ever used YouTube Music this probably looks familiar!


Browse. The categories presented might include things like "most liked" or "unplayed" or "your most played."
Clicking the control bar will expand it so you can see and change what's currently playing.
Piece detail page.
Mobile prototype. Browse, controls, queue, library



For me, Most Played and Recently Played are the ones I want at the top. Then Newest, then grouping by type. IMHO


Makes sense, thanks for the feedback! I'll make sure your most played are always up top


Looks great. I too use a lot the 'Most Played', but I like browsing by tag also (e.g. Drone) to try new stuff similar to what I like.


Awesome, thanks for the feedback. It sounds like I should make the Library page more similar to the Browse page but have all the categories be based on you (eg "Your most played," "Likes," "Recently played.") Plus I'll make sure it's still easy to browse based on tag.