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Hey everyone, as I mentioned before, I'm getting started on redesigning Generative.fm. I want to give everyone here an opportunity to share anything you think I should include in the next version. Is there anything you wish you could do with Generative.fm that you can't now? I've already got a few things in mind but I'm curious to see what you think.

If you don't have any suggestions, I'd still love to hear how you use the site. That way I can make sure the new design still works for you.

Have a good week!



I don't know how well this would work, but being able to play two or more pieces at once might be interesting.


This has come up a few times and I've been back and forth on it, but I think I'll be able to fit it into the new design. Thanks for sharing!


I have been thinking, and I pretty much agree with what has already been said. I mostly want the fading between pieces and/or at the end of a timer. The other I was thinking about was a sort of tape speed control, so we can slow down/lower pitch on the samples. It can be by set amounts down, up and have a reset. Some of the pieces are either too low, or too high pitch for me to listen to comfortably with headphones, being able to tweak them would make them more listenable for me. Not sure how possible it is, but I have seen it done for example, here. https://mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/magicMeditationGenerator.php I know you create music a different way, but wanted to share that, as I also support that site, for years before I discovered yours.


Thanks for the feedback. Part of the reason I stopped releasing new pieces weekly was so I could have more time to do a better job of mastering the generators, which will help make sure new ones are comfortable to listen to with headphones. It would be hard for me to add something that changes the speed of pieces like that, but I'll think about adding an EQ that you could use to shape the frequencies a bit. That's something I could add a lot sooner than a speed shifter.