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Hello again. Just wanted to share the current status of Generative.fm accounts.

If you read my previous post, you might remember I was planning on having this done before the end of 2019. Unfortunately, adding accounts to Generative.fm proved to be much more complicated than I thought. After spending many, many hours working on it (including almost the entirety of the last two days), I'm calling it quits for now.

To keep it brief and non-technical, the reality is that when I built Generative.fm I didn't have user accounts in mind, so adding them now as an afterthought has been incredibly challenging. In addition, I mistakenly chose an authentication provider that proved very difficult to use for the atypical requirements of the site.

To be clear, I could absolutely finish adding accounts and get a working solution up and running, but it would be very crappy AND take significantly more time. I don't like to build stuff I'm not proud of.

Generative.fm will definitely have accounts in the future, but only when I can do it right. This is another good reason why I'd like to rebuild the site from scratch in the near future -- adding user accounts would be much easier if I were starting from scratch. Right now, I just want to make new music for the site, so that'll be my next focus. Rebuilding the site is probably next (but we'll have another vote soon).

I'm really sorry if you were looking forward to getting accounts added... it will happen eventually!



So .. the preview of this mail got cut off at "I'm giving up on Generative.fm". Gave me the scare of the morning. Totally understandable btw. Sounds like an Epic to rework the codebase to accommodate accounts. Best off luck!


More time equal better output 👌