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Hey folks, it's time again for a suggestion thread.

If you could add/remove/change something about Generative.fm, what would it be?

We can discuss your ideas here a bit and if I think they're feasible, we'll throw them into the next priority poll.

If you're looking for inspiration, here's the Github issues: https://github.com/generative-music/generative.fm/issues

Stuff we've talked about previously that will definitely be in the next poll:

- User accounts/data sync

- Performance research

As always, thanks for listening!



I second an Android app


I actually try to find a way to encapsulate Generative in an App for my computer, but the performances are quite poor on my side must say... FYI, I actually uses Electron for this. My knowledge is little in Dev,but I have good UX/UI skills if I might help to find an efficient way to put Generative.fm in the toolbar. I would be more than ok to pay for that kind of feature.


Hey John, if you use Chrome on Android you should get prompted to install it at the top. Otherwise I might be able to add it to the Play store... I should look into that!


Hi Catherine. If you use the latest version of Chrome for Desktop you can install it to your machine and it will be available in your toolbar like this: https://miro.medium.com/max/444/1*YBdBHcvH7lOzqa46nxOtfA.png The install button should be at the top right of the site if you use the latest Chrome for Desktop. Otherwise, I could make a Electron app like you mentioned. That's a good idea!