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I took a first swing at figuring out some tags for each piece, and I wanted to send them your way to see what you think:

"A Viable System" - pensive, piano, strings, acoustic

"aisatsana (generative remix)" - calm, piano, acoustic

"Apoapsis" - calm, electronic, dream

"Awash" - electronic, guitar, dream

"Buttafingers" - drone, electronic

"Didgeridoobeats" - electronic, beats

"Drones" - drone, electronic

"Drones II" - drone, electronic

"Eno Machine" - calm, piano, acoustic

"Enough" - dark, melancholy, electronic

"Expand/Collapse" - piano, acoustic, electronic

"Impact" -  piano, electronic, acoustic

"Lemniscate" - calm, piano, acoustic

"Little Bells" - bells, glockenspiel, acoustic, canon

"Meditation" - calm, bells

"Neuroplasticity" - electronic, guitar

"Observable Streams" - happy, piano, strings, acoustic, melodic

"Otherness" - electronic

"Peace" - calm, flute, acoustic

"Pinwheels" - piano, acoustic

"Return To Form" - happy, piano, electronic

"Sevenths" - piano, acoustic

"Spring Again" - happy, piano, strings, acoustic

"Timbral Oscillations" - piano, electronic

"Townsend" - calm, guitar, flute, acoustic

"Trees" - happy, piano, acoustic

Are there tags missing that would've helped you find your favorite pieces? Or do you disagree with any? Let me know! Also, big thank you to those that contributed to the suggestion thread, it was very helpful while I put these together. Thank you!


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