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Hey everyone, just wanted to share a quick update with you.

tl;dr: Expect a significant redesign of Generative.fm in the near future.

If you aren't aware, in addition to my work on Generative.fm I have a full-time job which occupies a majority of my productive time. This has been frustrating for me recently, as my plans for my own projects are growing faster than I can implement them and I feel like I can't keep up. As such, I've decided to take a break from full-time employment for a short while and focus completely on Generative.fm and my other projects.

One of my top priorities during this time is to redesign the site. In addition to new features like tags, favorites, sharing individual pieces, and a darker theme, I'd like to make things a bit more mobile-friendly, and I also need to communicate that the app is usable without an internet connection (perhaps you didn't even know). On mobile, Chrome and Safari users can even save a shortcut to their homescreen, and the site will behave more-or-less like an app on your phone. The redesign will probably come in a single release sometime next month; I'll share updates along the way, and I'll need your help to make decisions about the new design. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Tag Suggestions thread, and if you haven't, it's not too late! Expect more from me over there as I get further in the design process.

I'm also building new tooling for myself to make it easier to share the music and ultimately drive users to the site. I've already started uploading short excerpts to SoundCloud, and I'll be uploading both these and longer (1 hr+) excerpts to music streaming services like Spotify, YouTube, etc. On YouTube, I'll be experimenting with generated live streams of the music, and possibly some even longer recorded excerpts as well. Listening to the music on Generative.fm will always be the intended experience, but I hope these efforts will help reach new listeners in the apps they already use to hear music.

Of course, my primary focus remains the music. During this time, I want to continue uploading a new piece each week, and I try to make each one better than the last. I'm anxious to spend more time making pieces than I do now.

Finally, I want to spend a little time working on projects other than Generative.fm (like Blossom). I'll post previews of these to Tier 2 patrons and announce them to everyone once they've been published.

As always, thank you for your support, it means so much to me. Let me know if you have questions or if there's anything I can do for you.



Cool to hear you're going all in on this. Good luck !


Best of luck to you! I really hope Generative.fm takes off because it's both an interesting concept and superbly executed.