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Generative.fm Work Priority Poll

  • Dark Mode (https://github.com/generative-music/generative.fm/issues/60) 0
  • Sharable links for individual pieces (https://github.com/generative-music/generative.fm/issues/71) 0
  • Ability to sort pieces by playtime (https://github.com/generative-music/generative.fm/issues/51) 0
  • Piece tags ("calm," "piano," etc) and filtering by tag (https://github.com/generative-music/generative.fm/issues/20) 3
  • Fix recording generation for Townsend, Drones, and Drones II (Github Issues #92, #93, and #96) 0
  • "Live" recording (https://github.com/generative-music/generative.fm/issues/89) 0
  • Just focus on making new pieces for the site 6
  • 2019-05-01
  • 9 votes
{'title': 'Generative.fm Work Priority Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Dark Mode (https://github.com/generative-music/generative.fm/issues/60)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Sharable links for individual pieces (https://github.com/generative-music/generative.fm/issues/71)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Ability to sort pieces by playtime (https://github.com/generative-music/generative.fm/issues/51)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Piece tags ("calm," "piano," etc) and filtering by tag (https://github.com/generative-music/generative.fm/issues/20)', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Fix recording generation for Townsend, Drones, and Drones II (Github Issues #92, #93, and #96)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '"Live" recording (https://github.com/generative-music/generative.fm/issues/89)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Just focus on making new pieces for the site', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 5, 1, 18, 19, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 9}


Hey folks, I wanted to give everyone here a chance to tell me what I should be working on next for Generative.fm. This week, I'm just going to add a new piece to the site, but I'll spend next week working on whatever gets the most votes in this poll. I do try to add a new piece every week, but occasionally I will skip it if I'm working on a big feature and need more time.

Please vote for what you would like to be my top priority for Generative.fm: 



What about the ability to "add to favorites" a piece? If you focus on making new pieces for the site, this could become an interesting filter if there are a lot of pieces to choose from.


I had originally planned to have a "favorites," and/or the ability to "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" pieces, but I ended up implementing the play time tracking as a substitute for this. My thinking was that you would spend more time listening to your favorites and less time listening to ones you didn't like, so you could use your own listening time as a gauge for which pieces you like the best. This is why I have the "sort by play time" as an option, to make it easier to find your favorites. I'm not opposed to adding a manual "favorites" feature, but I'm wondering if the ability to sort by play time would eliminate the need for it. What do you think?