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REMINDER: If you're not subscribed for November, you won't get the art you've paid for! Make sure you're subbed!  

(I combined October and November into one payment cycle again, so November is free dw) (Yes it is dumb that you still have to be signed up)  

Sorry for the late update, I've been coding a multiplayer/recording backend all month and I was trying to get a better GIF first tbh. So why is this relevant? Well, I'm more or less recreating the theatre mode from Halo 3; that should have obvious uses for the TF game! That, and good multiplayer will make for good TF roleplaying sessions. This GIF here is just a sorta 'Smash Bros meets Jet Island' VR game I whipped up this month for multiplayer testing. It's all built out of my OutdoorPacmanVR game's recording/playback system from a year ago, too. It's all coming together...

If you want to try the smash bros thing btw, ping me on discord  =)
