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P1 P2 P3 P3 again P4 P5

P6 (The End): Unable to move or speak beyond inane toy catchphrases, he winds up stuck with his new assets on display (literally) for all to admire. A fittingly ironic end for our thief... Unless folks want to see what happens if a human gets tempted by her inflatable charms? 

(Alts here since imgur's deleting all its adult stuff. Does anyone know of a better gallery host than dropbox?) (21 hours, ridiculously fast compared to the last page. Guess tracing the thumbnails speeds it up some...)

P5: You know what happens when you prick an inflatable... Hissss (39 hours. Yeah for 5 panels that's just silly, I'm gonna look into AI.) (EDIT: ALTS!I forgot https://imgur.com/a/GAPosvV )

P4: Welcome to your new reality... Alt colors here (35 hours. Long page tbh, for what it is)

P3: (This page was the first post.) As the rapid inflation continues, our clumsy thief starts to have second thoughts, but it's too late now... A dog has found her.

Alt colors here

(I'm finally continuing this old comic from 4 years ago! It got loads of votes in the Treasure Trove (which you can see by connecting your discord). Oh and as long as we're nostalgia baiting, I threw in an orange dog from Becumming #2  =P )

(44 hours. This was not meant to take so long... Definitely not doing inking again, I'll just freehand the other pages.) (FYI, next month will be another 2 month period; You'll pay once for February, then March is free- but don't unsub before March or you won't get it.)

P2: Growing concerns. Alt colors here (16 hours to add that panel and colors to the old drawing) (Oh also I posted a game tech demo! You can try it here!)

P1: You break it, you become it. Alt colors here. (12 hours to clean up the sketch)




Always LOVE when you do some more inflatables. <3


Really love how this turned out. Colors are a bold choice but fit most chews.


personally I'm really big on the black and white husky alt. Enough that I was seriously considering making it the canon post


Why are the first two parts not colored?


The husky alt should be the original. So hot.


I can't seem to find the uncolored version of P3 in the alt colors list. Did you forget to add it?


P3 is new, there was no sketch 4 years ago, so i didn't include the lines


So stoked you're doing another inanimate. I resubbed for this! I don't suppose you'd consider doing a non-multibreast version? Your work is legendary! The expressions and pastel colors are so eye appealing!


Nah non multibreast would mean a lot of redrawing, a complex/messy layers setup. And i plan to have her resting on her multiboobs so they're important


I was hoping you would continue this series. You da best, Bendzz!


Hell yes. I love when their clothes becomes their skin. This is a really nice design.

Emmitt Cleveland

You’d think an inflatable toy made for dogs would be designed to prevent these kinds of leaks. Maybe this one is of lower quality?


Probably just letting off some pressure and getting to the ideal size. She'll have to be pretty durable in this line of work =P


Your work is always the finest quality.


it really bothers me there is a girl character with a dick... it makes no sense and its disgusting


love this series


Lol and female hyenas have dicks too yet no one complains. Why not?


Another great work. Wonder what the next bit of fun will be


Poor pup, I guess it goes to show that one should pick their marks carefully when stealing from a pet store! Never know when you're gonna wind up a little overwhelmed by your haul~ Also, I'm definitely interested in seeing a follow up with her being used. Knowing how the Becumming virus spreads... I can only see it going very well for all involved! :P

Eric Hslew

Yes id love to see what would happen to whomever buys it for thier "Dog." I imagine ether way it would be doggy style. Or another thief comes along to repeat the cycle?


I figured it would be a store employee sweeping up after hours and keeps eyeing the thing, getting too worked up... Then the temptation becomes too much...


idd love to see some human involvement


Oh, there definitely should be some human involvement- after all, the thief is only one half of a whole! There's GOT to be a vibrating male counterpart for the ladies after all!


would love to see more of this

Fenekku Kitsune

P6: Awww, that's sad, she won't get more use as a display model uwu Also, I would indeed love to see a soon-to-not-be-human get down and dirty!


Out of curiosity, why did he steal the toy in the first place?


Probably for his dog to make it stop humping his leg. (I'd say that makes the TF more humiliating than if he'd plan to use it himself)


Alt links aren't working, you may have to repost somewhere else.


Just sent out an email about that 2 hours ago. They're in a dropbox link pinned to the top patreon post


I can’t seem to find the alts for pages 2-5.