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Page 2: Half corgi half tomato mixed breed. It's up to you whether or not the collie girl got so horny that she grew a dick, or the new girl's just so overwhelmed that a little platonic dominance humping is enough to bring her to orgasm. 'Schrodinger's dick'. Either way, I think her pet just became her new owner.

(+8.5 hours. After the tomato joke, some people seem to be into the idea of a corgi girl succplant. Hmm...) (Also I'm now raising the price of the becumming package for non patrons, hope you all got your fill =P  )

"Hm? Yeah you're right girl, The Bachelor is boring. He's not even that good looking... Ooo a dog show, bet you'd like that huh? Hehehe *hiccup*. Lookit all the cute doggies! Lookit the collie, bet he gets your motors revving huh? So strong and proud hehe... Aww the corgis! So cute! And... ...Weirdly virile... Whew, is it hot in here? Wurf! Oof, 'scuse me, too much wine... 

"Hey do the dogs look bigger to you? Arf it's really really hot, I gotta get these panties off... Wow look at what that one's packing! Wouldn't mind having him over for valentines day, huh girl? Hehe-hic you naughty thing, I can feel your tail wagging back there! Gosh... Lookit all of those hot dogs... (Distracted panting)

The collie girl is from Becumming 2 and 5, which are on sale for a little while here: https://itch.io/s/46863/valentines-sale She (and the corgi) are victims of a very infectious TF plague making its way around. Let this be a lesson kids, don't share booze with your pets! (Page 2 of this is coming soon, that's when I'll publicly announce the sale).

19 hours (so far, on both pages). The colors are a little blown out by accident, let me know if you prefer that or it hurts your eyes.




Hey FYI, I might raise the price of the bundle when I publicly announce the sale. So consider the current price a patrons only discount =P

Shifty Imp

Have you ever considered to bundle the bonus pages from the Becumming series separately? Like #6 for example. I'm 0% into MtF TG so #6 is a big No for me but I usually love your bonus content (and it's usually female only XD). I actually enjoyed the bonus of #5 just as much if not even more than the main series itself. 😅 If not, then that's that, but I thought I could ask at least. :)


My favourite comic series of all time. <3


Hadn't really considered that actually. A good chunk of the bonus content is getting gradually posted to the discord patreon channel (but not all of it). I don't plan to offer a bonus pics pack soon tho.


"lick" love that image. From pose to expression.


Are there plans for Becumming #9, anytime soon?


Schrödinger's Dick outlines a scenario where, since both the position and velocity of a dick cannot be known, it is said to be in a state of both cumming and not cumming whilst receiving fellatio. -- great description


Dude, you're making me miss becumming stop~