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His last client for the day had been such a beefcake that he'd been too flustered to pay close attention to the conversation; the next thing he knew, he'd apparently agreed to go on a date? He should have objected immediately, but his mind had been so... Preoccupied- especially with what had happened earlier in the private room- that the thought of refusing simply hadn't occurred to him? Now, staring into what was apparently his locker in the dressing room, and realizing there was no underwear to be found... He was seriously starting to freak out.

Things only got worse as he found that the excessively girly top in there actually enhanced his breasts, if anything, and that if he didn't remember to keep his tail limp it would flip up his skirt and expose his jiggling, panty-less rear to the world. He pawed at the too-short skirt absently, trying to think of a way out of his date, knowing that his mind would turn into horny mush the moment he stepped out the door to his suitor... But even now he couldn't focus. He'd just have to take his chances he guessed... And these were premium seats, it might even be fun! He giggled, then clamped a hand over his mouth in embarrassment. 

Oh well... It's a public stadium full of thousands of people, it's not like the hunk- Uh, client- could try anything. And he'd even get to see some football! All those beefy guys grappling each other- No, bad thoughts! He balled up his tiny fists, swearing to himself that he wouldn't have any more embarrassing slip-ups when he got there. It'd just be a casual date, he told himself, trying to ignore his bad feeling about it... What could they really get up to in a public place?

(Looks like they had a good time at least. Only 10.5 hours this time, 2-3x faster because the art's so rough.)

Update: A quick re-shaded alt to make her lighter and show her face better. This is closer to what I'd originally planned (the purple skin look was a happy accident while messing around). (Update2 Swapped them around, purple skin first)

2 more alts here: https://imgur.com/a/p8y35IO

The light inside was blinding and he found himself stumbling on his toes, his body jiggling strangely as he squinted. To his horror the girls were already here- And they were huge! He suddenly felt very tiny and helpless. He stumbled backward, trying to make for the door before it closed, when a large pair of cold hands grabbed his bare shoulders. He gasped and felt his chest wobble as he was effortlessly brought to a halt. He looked down and for a moment was pleased to see a pair of massive ebony breasts in his face... Then felt a shock of confusion as he realized those were His breasts. What?

The huge catgirl guided him easily down the back hallway, firm hands on his tiny shoulders. "This guy's been waiting for you to show up for a while, he caught your last pole dance yesterday and is really excited!" His mind raced; his last pole dance? He'd never pole danced, but... Why did it feel so familiar? "I'm not..." He started, before pausing. Was he really going to rat himself out for peeping? The catgirl chuckled. "Don't fret bunny, this guy's pretty cute." "Cute?" He felt his chest flutter. "And he has a pretty huge package... I'm sure you wouldn't mind hopping on his lap a bit?" He blushed, suddenly feeling goey and dumb. "Oh... Ok..." This didn't seem wise, but just giving a quick lap dance couldn't hurt... Right? "Just make sure he watches the touching..." He felt a thrill rush through him and his nipples hardened. "T... Touching?" He stuttered, feeling dizzy. "Yeah you have to lay down the law!" "Oh... Ok..." he breathed meekly. 

She began opening a side door and he started to panic. He was opening his mouth to make an excuse when she suddenly smacked his butt. "Have fun!" He involuntarily squeaked and hopped into the dark room, the door closing heavily behind him as he stumbled from his jiggling body. His mind went blank at the sight of the giant man towering over him. He struggled to remember Anything as he gaped upward and nervously rubbed his damp, empty thighs together. All he had to do was sit on this man's lap and wiggle around for a bit, right? Then he could figure all this out. No big deal. He swallowed and tried to calm his raging hormones as he bravely took a step forward. He screwed his cute face into what he hoped was a stoic expression, even as his bottom lip quivered. He could Do this! What could possibly go wrong?

Here's an alt with less extreme lighting so you can see the girls better https://i.imgur.com/EfvCrV5.png  

30 hours, because try-hard lighting.



Fenekku Kitsune

Ah yes, reality shifting, such a dangerous trap to fall into~!


I appreciate the extra story for this one, adds an extra layer of hotness onto an already great pic. I like to think of this as the spiritual successor to that ooooooold pic of yours, Sneaking Into the Club! I'm sure that foxy stripper is around somewhere, having spent all these years on the pole~


Good idea. If I ever had a sequel idea I'd keep it in mind

Cursed Profile

A solid 30hr time investment!


I love the alts, the idea, and everything really its just a shame you hid the nipples :(. Free the full boobies lol.


Sploge 💖


Poor bunny thought she was going to just watch a football game, but little did she know she'd be playing the part of wide receiver! :D Love this follow up, her embarassment at being toyed with in public, that cum inflation, mmm it's all so good. And the guy next to them got a bit more of a show than he was expecting!

Big belly lover

Yeah I’ll take a number five and uh more of that cumflation action please

Swifty D

Mm I don't usually like TG but I gotta admit this is pretty nice.


Given the fact that we associate bunnies with breeding, any chance we could see her pregnant?

Lucas Brown

Does anyone else feel like that concession stand cat looks like Burger Pants?