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Here we go, this pic is why I was delayed at the start of the month. So that morning I was just eating breakfast, when suddenly there's a loud BANG! I run to the window and a guy with an assault rifle is advancing across my lawn (and it's Canada, so you know, not really an everyday thing). In the back there are bunch more rifle guys in tactical gear, 5 giant SUVs and 3 people face down in the snow being handcuffed. I guess there was a drug bust..?

The shouting gradually winds down, the suspects are getting frisked and having a laugh with the swat team (I was kinda on edge and didn't see the humor in it, personally >__> )… And that's when I noticed that two of the handcuffed chicks were actually pretty cute!

So obviously I had to make a dog TF out of it- the only logical response to a police raid, of course. (But then it took 19 hours and put me behind schedule).

Anywho, what a happy alternate ending; getting to avoid jail time AND find all the best drugs in the city! Too bad they only get to take home dog treats and headpats at the end of the day  =3




I absolutely love this @bendzz!!! I want this to continue forward sooooo bad!!


Thanks, but, what could be hot continuing from here? The TF is done, the fates are sealed. The End, really.


Oh if anyone's wondering: One girl had short white/pink hair, and the other long dark dyed-red hair. All 3 suspects were in black and white outfits that Looked weirdly identical at first glance, but were actually pretty different clothes. Maybe some sort of gang thing? Idk it was a cute look anyway, makes for a nice fur pattern in their new forms =]


Only you would see a full drug bust with swat and think "hmm...thats hot"......


I'm a big fan of the content in your Becoming series. Like in this image when they say who let the sniffer dogs off of their leashes, it could continue with them being leashed up and taken back to the police station and put in the kennel with the other police dogs where a bit of fun would end up taking place ;) I like TF but it's also be "being taken by another animal" after the turn that is the sweet spot for me personally.


Y'know, it's good to see a truly fuzzy animal TF from you once in a while. I know the refrain is that your TF victims often look like they have painted skin rather than fur, so seeing this is a real treat. Nice work!


Great work truly, I love the idea of a hot girl “feeling” something touching her butt to then realize it’s a tail. But I must know are you finished with “ bad juju”? I was really invested in the story and it was left on a cliff hanger. I just need to know, for closure purposes


Ah unfortunately patreon's not really game for dubious consent and animal on anthro. That'll get you banned. The only way I could get away with it is if the males are similarly TF'd and everyone clearly consents, without mind changers like hypno etc.


What can I say, fetishes are all about cheap thrills. And I was feeling pretty thrilled at that moment =P


"It's Canada, so not really an everyday thing" Ya know, despite common belief that's not really an everyday thing here in the US either lol


Like I told you 4 weeks ago, I'm splitting time between juju and other TFs to keep everyone happy.


I completely understand @bendzz ... Is there any chance that you do commissions?


I was exaggerating yeah. But guns are more unusual up here, I'd never seen an assault rifle in person before that.


Unlikely. But patreon makes very selective commissions a slight possibility.


Them trying to talk in animal sounds is great.

Shifty Imp

Oh my, didn't know Patreon was that stupid. D: Kills my plans of ever getting on Patreon... Awesome TF thouhg! ^^


Subscribestar seems safer. And then there's also onlyfans, gumroad subscriptions, etc etc