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Image for patrons only: https://www.primeleap.net/share/1605027705ss6aa9hvc1lc2r5tolar-voodoo-pinup-1

A few non canon shots of our clumsy little witch reacting to her new kitty look- and some intense sensations. (My headcanon is that Kates imagination is spinning up these images of herself while Jane's sitting in the other room, just scratching the doll absentmindedly and driving her nuts. You could consider it an extra page.)

This pinup will stay exclusive to patrons.

Note to Brits: Primeleap images won't work if your currency is GBP. Change it to Euros or USD etc.




I've got the everything donation pledge but i still can't see this


primeleap is kinda busted. It's not one of my better pics anyway


Haha fairs, yeah it doesn't work on anything for some reason. Great software they got there XD




how do we do that?

Mad Owl

Something youve mastered, that i notice and appreciate is that glazed look in the eyes, as a character is lost in the moment, and loses their sense of self, or in this case their sense of reality, and recognition of the outlandish changes happening around them. Eyes of the Hypnotised. Its one of my favorite of your skills.

Mad Owl

Your use of eyes in general is just truly superb. Half of your storytelling is there.


Idk. The last few people figured it out but didn't tell me where the currency setting was.


Thanks. To me TF's all about the tense feelings it creates. Expressions help

Anya Twerk

Very cute little witch 💕🤩😻😻😻😻😻😻🔥🔥🔥🔥❤️❤️💘💘💘💘💘💘💘


Major kudos for going with whiskers.


In the footer of the page are the language and currency settings.


well i pay via paypal so i dont have the option to change currency


Ok go to Manage Memberships from the top right avatar menu. Click Edit on this membership, Change Currency. That work?


Im paying with €´s but sadly its not letting me view the link


"This patron isn’t supporting any creators at the moment." Found the problem


hello, I can't see it either, and I do have a subscription (can show you proof if u want !)


I can check and see that you're paying with euros... That should work. I really don't know. What kind of error message do you get? Make sure you're signed into patreon on the browser you're checking it with. Beyond that, maybe try switching your currency to me to USD


Your current pledge cannot unlock this image ??? Why??? What can I do? Pay more? ;-)