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Note: This series gets paused when I work on other TF pics. It's not dead.

P32: Katy Kat is complete! (16 hours. You'd think this would be the end of the story, but no! Where to next I wonder...)

P31: Jane reminisces, Kate relents. (20 hours. Hmm Milked or Juju next, what to do... Or maybe xmas TF?)

P30: The thicc grow thiccer (22 hours. Kate and Jane are back by popular demand (very demanding demand =P), one year after we left off! Look out for several pages this December.)

P29: Four paws. (17 hours. 13 months in and Kate's finally going feral. (Oh also I made her shortstacked again, mb.))

P28: Good Katy Cat. (13 hours. I'm a bit rusty after 2.5 months of no Juju, so the shading looks more like Milked than Juju I'm told. And you know, that might not be a bad thing...)

P27: Assume the position. (Meme pose! 11.5 hours. Whew, I am behind this month. IRL problems. I'll gun it on the next Milked page.)

P26: Cold greetings. (13 hours. Hah! No more "you forgot the hat bendzz"! Oh yeah, and kitty titty.)

P25: NUDE ALT! https://imgur.com/a/R1xy2rd I really like the impish look and just had to draw her naked. (15 hours, the nude alt added like 4.) (Also a several day delay from planning the next dozen-ish pages, so I don't miss any hot moments.)

P24: Conservation of ass. (All that clay's gotta go somewhere... 13.5 hours, the shortstack look was tough.)

P23: Thump. (Well if that isn't the nicest little cliffhanger to sit on for a month =3  8 hours.)

P22: Jane takes the plunge. (A simple page, but one I struggled to get right. It's a big moment, Jane's finally getting a firsthand taste of the weirdness! 10 hours.)

P21: The prettiest kitty. (Whew big page, 17 panels. 15 hours. Hope it's coherent.)

P20: Bad kitty knocks over something important. (8.7 hours) (EDIT: Forgot to swap the newest page to the front, sorry for the double email.)

P19: Boop the snoot! (Goodbye nose-less Kate, you will be missed.11.5 hours)

P18: Nope, outside the bag is too scary! (That's some exaggerated imagination, Kate. 9.5 hours)

P17: Cat's out of the bag? (Quite the imagination on our little witch. 10.5 hours)

P16: And pause for paws... (16 hours, quite a busy page. Next up, I think a dog TF.)

P15: Blueballs. (14.5 hours. Hope this one doesn't feel too filler-y; I was going to TF her other paw as she went at it, but decided to give that its own page.)

P14: Touch screens don't like fur. (14.5 hours. Took a couple days to get back in the Juju mindset, sorry.)

P13: I kissed a girl and I liked it, the taste of her cherry chap stick... (16 hours, a very busy page. Here's a 1 minute timelapse of the 8 hours of sketching, if you were curious how it all comes together. )

P12: A crucial moment to lose focus. (14.7 hours.)

P11: Cuddly kitty. (No Bad Juju's not dead, I'm just splitting time between this and other posts. 11 hours. EDIT: Dialogue change.)

P10: Unwelcome realization. This is probably my favorite page so far because of her imagination. (9 hours)

P9: Whups, so much for that. Fun fact: At 4'10", Kate technically qualifies as a dwarf. Weird, huh. (10 hours.)

P8: Angerry kitty!
Better look out or she'll nip at your heels! (Only 7 hours, hot damn! I tried sketching it first instead of just inking and it seems to be a lot faster.)

P7: Tail pop! We can rebuild her! Even cuter than before! (12.5 hours + etc. I slimmed Kate's face down some, made it more angular like the first page- It'd been getting a bit chubby. Sorry about the wait, I've been watching the shitshow down south.)

P6: What a jiggling cute little mess... (16.6 hours + planning. The perspective and faces were challenging. Here are some alts and planning sheets for the curious https://imgur.com/a/7RCiZ8D )

P5: The changes start... Damn, no TF until page 5, I'm surprised there wasn't rioting. But it's here! (16 hours + planning. I'm going to dial back the page complexity.)

P4: Dolly is in trouble... (10.7 hours, minus planning. I'll post thumbs tomorrow.)

P3: LLLeft Turn! (6:15, minus yada yada)

P2: For such a tiny chick she's sure swinging a big dick [metaphorically]. Boy 2 pages without TF, that might be a record for me. (6:15 for this page, minus planning.) EDIT: Made an alts gallery https://imgur.com/a/7RCiZ8D 

P1: It begins! This will be a long one. 'Wonder if I'll have it done in time for halloween...   (EDIT: About 5 hours for page 1, not including all the story planning.)




Pretty sure you can piece it together with context clue from basically the first page


Is there a way to navigate all of this so i can watch it in the right order?


Yeah go to the oldest post, that's page 1. Then flip through them. That's the order. You can use arrow keys. And if you hit left arrow on the current post it'll skip to the oldest one, the start.

Jacob Ligget

I find it hilarious that the guy in the window is getting off on it too He's just like me!

Jacob Ligget

Common ground is found Here's to a good time on your page


Hell yeah, this looks so good. Gonna start getting hyped for some really good tf content

Cursed Profile

"A little shit" aight that was good

Wyatt Spain

I always love when theres more... Depth to a story. It makes it feel so much better than just going straight into stuff. Keep up tje good work!


There's nothing about where this is going that I don't love.


Their so cute


hmmm, me suspects voodoo doll is about to become the medium

Wyatt Spain

I like where this is going


Oh but there are so many *possibilities* with a voodoo doll!




That little *flick* as a slap on the butt is a great gag :D

Mad Owl

I REALLY like where this is going.

Mad Owl

Wow. You could drag this part (pg5) out all day and it would still be fun.


its a little unclear, which is page one?


The very last page. They go in reverse order, newest to oldest.


I do. 5 page previews along the bottom and a main page of her growing cat ears. If it's not appearing for you, can you screenshot and send it pls?

Big belly lover

I guess I just got updated twice for some reason


the previous update I sent was the uncolored lineart for this page. This update was the shading


How long till she realizes what's happening to her?

Mad Owl

Any plans to do a new genderbend in this style? Been awhile since weve seen one.


don't have any plans for that, the human TG I was planning was more realistic. But who knows






Just saw the little surprise in the last panel 😂

Zaphod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 05:25:28 Angry kitty, shortstack kitty, freaking out at fur Now cuddly kitty, horny kitty, purr purr purr <3
2020-12-09 17:28:31 Angry kitty, shortstack kitty, freaking out at fur Now cuddly kitty, horny kitty, purr purr purr <3

Angry kitty, shortstack kitty, freaking out at fur Now cuddly kitty, horny kitty, purr purr purr <3


This by far the best thing you’ve done on here, great art style, fantastic story, I wish you would do this with all the most popular tf’s, horse, cow, dog, etc.


That's certainly enthusiastic. I'm glad to hear, this project was a big risk. It could have really wrecked things. Anyway idk, I'll play it by ear. People on discord are pushing for more tails from Kate and Jane here afterward, so we'll see =P


I anticipate a stalemate, where kitty witch's paws can't effect her voodoo clay, and her friend gets turned into a dog, or possessed, and can't think properly to fix her friend.


ehhh sorta... I could spoil it, but I'll just say: the comic's a lot longer than you think


I love this so much I anticipate The next page I’m almost as much as I anticipate the Mandalorian


Love the story so far can’t wait for more

André Öhr

Stick to these simpler drawings if they're faster to do! I enjoy them just as much as the other ones!

Sam Droogan

Katethullu ftw!


Cute, i like it, could you please turn she into a silicone mini sex doll? Scale 1/2


That's not the canon. I could have her imagine it like tentikate there, but I'm not sure there'll be an opportunity


Hehe, Kate got a wild imagination for the weirdest scenario, when her actual end is going to be much more mundane but no less naughty! Perhaps there's some subconscious part of her that recognizes this is just like a porno and she's playing up the "Oh noooo, what are you dooooing~" angle :D

Anime Guy

I don't thin i have seen a better TF comic. You are amazing at what you do. Looking forward to the rest of the comic.


How long till she realizes on what's happening to her?


This last one was damn cute


Not sure. She'll probably suspect a few things, but it's early in the TF to know anything for sure.


This was so cute, some feline thoughts emerging lol


Man I am loving this.


Just gets better and better~ I really need to find where she gets her dolls~


This can only end “well”


So, that doll is going in the circle right?

Zaphod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 05:25:23 Steve looks like a real party animal! Let's hope he knows how to reverse one as well! &gt;:P
2021-01-12 19:59:35 Steve looks like a real party animal! Let's hope he knows how to reverse one as well! >:P

Steve looks like a real party animal! Let's hope he knows how to reverse one as well! >:P


Hmm...cats don’t wear panties, let’s fix that.


You'd think that eventually she'd remember the voodoo doll she left lying around... the question is, will she remember before her Kate-brain becomes a Cat-brain? And what will happen to her friend who inevitably gets TF'd and/or possessed by whatever's in the summoning circle? Find out next time, on Dragon Ball Z!


It won't happen like that. But it will all make sense later


Now the ultimate question. Will Jane go in and help her? Or will she chuckle and take it further?

Sebastian Weinberg

Bwaahaha! The expression on Jane in the final panel of P17 is absolutely PRICELESS!


Been waiting for an update on this for a while, super happy to see your back on it. Can’t wait to see what you have in store


Jaaaane! Stop this crazy thing! /George Jetson


(On page 19, yes I know she's wearing shoes and socks, but I forgot them and then it was too sexy to change)


I wonder if Kate is going to get another row of breasts.


Not for many months, if ever. The other one on the other hand...


Oh is Jane going to get some repercussions for her actions?


Seeing her just laying there kicking her feet with her tail resting on her fat ass... you really out did your self here 👏🏻

Anime Guy

This just keeps gettin better and better.


Oh no, hissy little kitty has lost her phone now! Hope that doesn't wind up coming back to bite her later ;) Love the close up shots of her face and paws, would love to see more squishing of her features later on


The top part of this when she's exploring her new nose with her very animal paws is pure gold. Great example for when TF can be so incredibly hot by simply getting into the mindset and immersion of a piece. The way she just "bumps" her nose with those paws as the best possible equivalent of touch with once hands. The two juxtaposed next to one another spelling out the eventual fate of her. The way she is so "relieved" in the moment but also understanding her fate at the end. It's also the perfect set up to draw attention later when it's more than just her nose. When eventually (later in the comic) her lips and cheeks puff up into the distinct crease of a feline's muzzle under her new nose parting her lips to become the feral shape of a critter not a human. The sounds of a cat creeping into her vocabulary under stress as well. This page is a perfect example of how your larger pay comics made me feel, this is a deadly page all on it's own extremely potent and impossible to simply "skip" to the next part without being held hostage by it and getting hit hard with the sexy effect it conjures up all on it's own. (mind you I'm still only talking about page 1!)


Enthusiastic praise. It's been hard to make sure I don't let any potentially hot moments slip by, while also keeping it from dragging. Sounds like slowing down for a moment here paid off, I'm glad to hear that


Great work


My favorite part of this whole story is her being moved around and shes just confused at her own unintended movement. Gotta do more of that


I don't see nearly enough voodoostuff, and the phantom fingers are an increadible touch that gets me a little more tan I am comfortable admitting XD


I like the fact that she slipped on her friends phone, helps build this up as her just-desserts.


absolutely love this series so far.


Kind of curious, did she become a doll? Or is she just a posing cat at the time?


Kate's posing like a cat in the next room because the doll is controlling her. She's still flesh and blood


Ok, was kinda curious because before this page I thought she may have became the doll they used for the ritual at the end.


Awe another month till the next update for this? This story is awesome


Yeah it's just a few pages per month. Gotta keep the other hot TF coming =P


Is that a glass sliding door in her room?

Anime Guy

Now that's a cliff hanger. Heh. I can't express how much I love this comic. So many little details and twists in the story. I just love it!


Here i thought it'd be done within a week or two, cut to 7 months later and it's so stretched out that it's got anime fans onboard

Anime Guy

Been following your work for a while now and I am glad that I found your Patreon page. Totally worth it.


This lovely comic on furraffinity made me come and support you on patreon. I love that pretty kitty witch♡

Axel Cruz

Well the ass can't just disappear~ love it


Ass cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be turned into vast amounts of horny energy

Zaphod (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-13 05:25:18 I like the idea of applying the laws of motion to TF. An ass at rest stays at rest until acted upon by squishing hands &gt;:D
2021-06-01 13:30:51 I like the idea of applying the laws of motion to TF. An ass at rest stays at rest until acted upon by squishing hands >:D

I like the idea of applying the laws of motion to TF. An ass at rest stays at rest until acted upon by squishing hands >:D

Avil Torm

P.24 From the peepers perspective she just ran to press up against the glass to put on a show


Tbh I just thought it looked hotter barefoot. I've drawn her without shoes a few times and so far few people have noticed


Jane squeesh the doll so irl kate go squeesh


Are you a fan of the shortstack look?


Also sorry for the multiple post, I have a tendency to ask a lot of questions about things I like.


It would be good if you could think of all the questions and put them in one post, or just ask them on the discord chat. This is kind of spammy. Anyway, shortstack Can be really hot but it can also go badly. If it's not working here, I'll just have Jane stretch her out again.


I love her smacking the side of her head and clearing the magic dust out of the other ear!


would love a dog-girl sequence


So close! Keep going Katy-cat, you'll hide yourself eventually! Or not, and end up exposing yourself even more~ I second the imp look, shortstacks are always nice and Kate makes a lovely shortstack kitty. Looks like she's on the way to giving in to Jane's inadvertent advances :D


thought you meant 'so close to getting rid of those damnable clothes' for a sec =P And yeah, no one can resist this forever, she's not made of stone... Even if she were, get a stone wet and rub it long enough and it'll do what you want =]


Are we about to get some dog-on-cat action? (Raises eyebrow inquisitively)


really loving the shortstack look, and all the faces on the bottom row are fantastic. kind of makes me want to see you tackle a straight up imp tf, like a Midna-style imp.


never really been into midna porn but I'll definitely reuse this body shape


I really love how thick she is, especially those huge tits.


the butt is very very nice but the boobs are awesome.

Fixy Clary

Shortstack FTW! *giggles*

Tyler Deeds

NGL, I kinda wanna see that "Katethulu" tf too, haha


another great page! keep up the good shit

Avil Torm

So far the accidental peeping tom has seen Kate: Spot him and run up to rub against the window, Apparently pull her top down, Fall over backwards rubbing between her legs, and now crawl away from the window only to lift her hips and spread her legs on display.

Avil Torm

Hrm, I wonder how long it will take him to come over. I mean these are pretty subtle hints.


Tiddy Kitty


I love Katy's really sexy curves, I'm looking forward to her being naked and showing everything.


Damn, Jane's getting frisky! Love the effect of her face in the background and that toothy grin. Looks like the peeping tom is too horny to care how messed up this whole situation is! :P


Thats a very interesting start to the dog girl, right away tripple nipple rows, I like it. I hope that means her boobs are going to get nice and huge too.


I really hope Kate gets fucked, she looks really sexy with those big tits and fat ass.


the paw tf on this latest page has got me some type of way, you did a fantastic job on it


This sounds right off pornhub lol. But she is looking good, I'll have to pay that off somehow...


I mean she is really sexy and curvy, of course that would make people desire her sexually.


Yeah, the bluntness was just amusing. Goal 1 of my patreon is to get folks off. Whether that means sex or more TF play fits here better, we'll see


The smoothing clay like shape crafting in this comic is so visceral, whole extra layer of TF immersion. The way you manage to work it into each change is brilliant.


That's great work! I love Kitty TF 😍


It's been a while since we've seen a new page for this. Is it ever going to get a finale, or is this just going to be left on the shelf?


We're very far from the finale, probably under half way. But people ask me about juju almost weekly so i don't think it'll be abandoned. I've just been working on other stuff and delaying, since it'll take a lot of effort to get back in the headspace to write juju. Make sure I'm not forgetting any plot stuff


I was curious if there was gonna be another page soon or if it is done😅


It'll get more. With milked pages running 55 hours a piece I've been focusing on that. I'll start juju back up when i can devote a week to getting back into the story


Ieeei! You've continued this series! 💓

Kake The Kake

So happy that bad juju is back!


Woo it's back baby!


holy cat! I wasn't expecting this one


love the new update

Aaron Stone

nice update! I vote for Milked!


Is there ever gonna be an explanation in the story as to what the doll is, why it has this effect, and why Kate has and/or made it?


Yep. I've already spoiled it on discord a bunch but you'll have to wait and see =P (spoilers, it's almost comically mundane)


Ah, it's back and hotter than ever! Absolutely love this series and can't wait for more!