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Must be pretty shocking to have your pants ripped off and your room melt away... And then you see you have a tail?! But it gets worse. 

It didn't just change her into a kangaroo, it changed the entire world around her while she stood still. Now it's like her human life never existed, she's always been a roo in Australia. Gotta watch what you click...

Alt versions here: https://imgur.com/a/dZb8eQf 

33 hours. This was meant to be a quickie, but then I went all try hard with the lighting. Time for some sketches that don't need lots of fiddling!



Tony V

Ooh, I don't think you've ever done anything with kangaroos before. Nice!


Best 'roo I've ever seen you do, and the extra work on the lighting super paid off here. Gotta highlight those bouncy curves after all!


Thank you, so good. Love the lighting.


I need to find myself one of these buttons on the interwebz


Fun Fact: Kangaroos are actually a pest in Australia and unless they are tagged are typically shot by farmers because they eat 3 times as much grass as a sheep


shading is so nice, love that snout and those legs. Nice balance since they don't look like she is squatting, looks like that is her new "Standing" pose.


nice work. Can you make somefing with big boobs?

Sam Droogan

Big butts and big roo paws! Hitting all the right marks! Well done!


i recently read an abominable short sci fi story about a man who abandons his wife to be turned into a roo for exactly this reason (you know, it's the future, to curb human overpopulation...) this was an actual short story published in an anthology book. this picture is a thousand times more entertaining than the story was, lol