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Don't worry, she did her job well unclogging the nozzle. Now it can spray down all the plants at regular intervals, keeping them all nice, green and swollen. Just what she wants I'm sure.

What if fuckplant, but with booty? And she TFs from an obsession with phalic sucking? God I hope this concept catches on in TF circles, I like it an unhealthy amount. And if people like this post I'll have to try more really out-there TFs =]

Alternates here  https://imgur.com/a/qQSk4Lr  Maybe 32 hours? 




I keep coming back to this one. There is something special about it. Would love to see her story continue, see her struggle with the fear of being a plant, the joy and pleasure of growing fuller, needing and wanted more and more plant food.


I'm not sure that would be worth the drawing effort. But I did really like this TF and would like to see more like it...


I am also obsessed with succplants. This is amazing!


Look at that beautiful peashooter


Man i love this, go for it


Got to be honest once she lost the anatomy of a human, i.e. her breasts and but where no longer what they should be it wasn't my cup of tea. That being said it is a neat transformation I haven't seen before, shame it went too far though.


She looks ready to defend her greenhouse from zombies now. Loved the tf


I have no clue who came up with the succplant tf, but my god I need more of this in my life. Thank you for this amazing piece of work!

Sebastian Weinberg

That was great fun!  I feel, though, that it could use an epilogue, where she is found by a guy (maybe a friend or co-worker).  She tries to call out for help, but all she can do is make sucking noises at him.  In the end, he gives her what she appears to want and… “fertilises” her the right way. 😉


I did have plans for a followup, though it'll have to abide by patreon's consent rules. Atm though I'm feeling like something more conventional


Id like to be a fuck plant


Damn, I never saw the real potential in this until now, creators always make this without any steps so it's just start and end of the tf which sucks(lol) imo, what you did here is so much better, love it


thats realy good make more ^^


Awesome reactions!


Branching out huh?


realy good make more about it ^^


Please continue this story. She needs sustenance. 🥺


Would pay for a full feature of this with a slow tf / corruption, her becoming more and more addicted, eventually staying in the house, then completing to immobility!

Mad Owl

I really love this kind of concept. The tf happening while the victim is unaware to obsessed with whatever they are doing. The kind of mental fog paired with some kind of easure oriented or sexual act. Thematically its one of my favorite approaches.


What a coincidence to see this now, you're going to like the next voodoo page =P


Agree with the others. Also, green is a sexy color lol