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Jeeze she just can't seem to stay focused for 10 seconds! But she does make a really cute doggo...

Thanks to Naomi for voicing the play, you can ping her here if you're interested in getting more. So scripting that took forever, I threw out a much darker original story where the TF was accelerating right as you got home, and ended with mind loss. I mostly just liked the petplay parts, so I made the new script based on that. You can see the two scripts on google docs, which is set to allow suggestions.

132 MB original WAV on dropbox
22 MB MP3 on discord 




Why not both! I wana hear the over version <3 Actually I take that back, looking at the two scripts this one is better overall. Or after listening to it, I can't fathom how it could be better at the very least


I said this in the discord, but I really love the middle of the script, where she starts to enjoy the sensations and really lean into the pet play idea. Having her flip flop between liking it and wanting it reversed is a great way to show how conflicted she is and that the changes weren't all bad!


That's why I had to add the zinger at the end to show that things were in fact going badly =}

Handsome Doc

Id like to think in the end shes still sentient and can talk, but . She still has a human lifespan and they live happily for many years.her bf completely gaslights her into truly believing that she has never been anything but a dog