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Part 4: The Girlfriend Succumbs

VIDEO HERE, the GIF is really cut down!

His girlfriend can't take what she's seeing and slowly succumbs to the uniform, sinking far further than any employee should allow themselves... Rapidly overwriting her own memories in the struggle to make sense of it all. It looks like the new Bunny Twins won't be escaping this mess anytime soon... I wonder where they'll work and sleep at, now that they think this is the pizza guy's home...

Alt colors: Black, Brown, Sex Doll etc. More in the discord trove

(89 work hours. Fuu that took too long, sorry about the wait; there should be 1 or 2 more quick pics this month)

(Breakdown: 12 hours for keyframing, 30 tweening, 7 flat colors, 13 detail colors, 10 voicing, 8.5 editing, 6 finishing up. The voices took 3 attempts, you can find them on discord via your patreon settings. Wish this were CGI grumble grumble, coulda just used my jiggle physics engine... Woulda taken 9 hours not 89...)

Part 3: Losing himself to her new bunny needs

Videos with audio:

1, Her First Time: Redgifs, Dropbox, Discord

2, Bunny Likes It? Redgifs, Dropbox, Discord

3, Bunny Can't Stop! Redgifs, Dropbox, Discord

Five alt color video sets in the discord treasure trove, to help keep the experience fresh!

(60 hours on those 3 videos, whew; ~30 for lines, 17 for colors, 13 for audio and wrap-up. I actually did the voice work on this, with one of those real time voice changers. Wild what tech can do now! Sure glad it only changed my voice. More videos of these dumb bun(s) soon to come!)

Part 2: Hormone Rush


"Stupid ears, come off..!" He growled in a soft voice, tugging hopelessly. Getting the slutty work outfit off had helped shrink his boobs some, but the rest of him remained far too bunny and girly for his tastes... Was there some trick to the ears and tail? Stupid gf's uniform, ughh..!

Ding dong! "Oh, finally!" If he was going to be stuck in all day he might as well veg out... Not like his butt could get any bigger at the moment. He tugged his ill fitting T-shirt down for decency (unaware of his tail exposing his large white rump) and jiggled over to the door... Maybe some manly meatlovers would help turn him back? OH! The delivery guy, wow..! Her breath caught in her throat, heart pounding in her bunny ears... Unaware of her breasts swelling from her rush of hormones, all she could think about was what this hunk could do to her...

(20 hours; 12.5 on lines (clean lines, bleh), 3 on colors, 2 on audio, 2.5 on wrap-up. It's a prequel to the sex scenes; we've been beating this idea around for a while. Alt colors on discord as usual, and follow-up videos soon to come)

PART 1: Bunny TGTF


"Why would she want me to wear her work uniform when she gets home? Whatever, anything to get that visit from the 'slutty easter bunny' she mentioned. I'm definitely getting lucky tonight!"

(She doesn't know how right he was. There are a bunch of alt videos and captions on discord (along with a few hundred private TF sketches), connect your account here https://www.patreon.com/settings/apps and then check out the #treasure-trove to see it all!) (52 hours; 25 for linework, 12 for coloring, 11 for audio, 4 for alts and refining. Whew.)






Yessss, absolutely adore this! The jiggle is simply amazing.


Jiggle ~


I know the point is the clothes but could we also see a version without the clothes?


Unfortunately not, it'd be a big redraw. The boobs would probably move differently etc. The time would be better spent on new TF instead. (...Well i could take off the pants easily ig?) (Ftr stripping her would be easy if it were 3D animation, reeee)


AH I gotcha. Well I would love to see another girl if you just so happened to be doing something like that in the future with those thicc proportions naked. If you happen to do that of course.

Fixy Clary

Awesome! *giggles*


It does say Part 1 maybe part 2 will be more revealing. :)


The Art I didn't know I needed and now I'm so happy it's here.


Truly stunning work! Really great stuff

Rolo the donkey

AHHH this is so good, what a fantastic piece


Now shrink her into a tasty chocolate bunny >:3


I connected the discord account, but only get "there are no text channels on this server" whenever I click on the treasure-trove-link above... What am I doing wrong?


I have absolutely no idea tbh, that's a new one. Try a different device or discord on your browser ig? It sounds like a glitch. If you figure it out reply back pls


It says I need to be invited to a server and the invitation URL looks like this (example) https://discord.gg/hTKzmak.


Oh well yeah you have to join the server before that link works. You do that by adding your discord to your patreon settings, via the other link. If it doesn't work immediately, disconnect it and redo it


I can click on Leave Server/Join Server all I want. Tha status remains "Not connected"...


If it says u need to be invited to the server then you're not in the server. Follow the patreon instructions


I connected Patreon to Discord all right, it opens up when I click on the link. Patreon lists bendzz under "Available Servers" with a Leave Server button (or a Join Server button once I click Leave). No matter how often I click that, it stays "Not connected".


I've never seen a discord server list on patreon. The patreon bot should just add you to the server the moment your discord is connected to patreon. If redoing that isn't working you'll have to ping support because i don't know


Wow, this VA is incredibly talented, should hire them for future works


Not sure if sarcasm, since I voiced these ones? With a voice changer of course. But thanks =P

Rolo the donkey

The swelling is soooo good. ;; This entire sequence is great


So this is the best thing you've ever done and I love it


Bendzz! This is so good! I cant believe you can only go up from here!


Oh... so running bareback makes them change more?


To an extent yeah. It also makes it so they can't fully go back


This is stellar. The animated physics of the breast swell in particular is amazing.


my lawd. The baggy-ness of that oversized shirt on her now smaller body, paired with the nipples swelling after her bunny instincts target the guy at the door as her next mating partner, are outstanding detail that makes the whole scene so much more luscious ~~


Thanks. I really liked this lead-in video, but man only 380 patrons have actually clicked through to watch it... idk if it's worth voice acting stuff if only like 1/10th of my fans will actually click it


Hmm, yeah, I guess people are simply too used to most of your stuff being short GIF animations. Me personally, I really like the voice acting, but maybe it is better suited for longer animations, like ~1min movies or so. Also, related to the post, I wonder if Bunny will get even tinier and hornier until she eventually fits into her former GF's purse. I could imagine her sitting inside there with an even more high-pitched, almost Chip Munk-ish voice >:3


I mean they don't even know the length, can't see that helping click throughs? Anywho not on this series I'm afraid, just some shortstack sluttification coming =P


Fair enough, maybe give it time for people to get adjusted to. At this point you haven't even uploaded a handful of voice acting posts, right? Or you can make a poll? Anyway, love to hear the Future hints, love me some shortstacks on a sunny day B3


Splendid, I think this might be the smoothest and most erotic animations yet!

Ashley Rain

It's possible that it's just so unusual for you that patrons hadn't noticed it yet. I didn't notice it until I saw you pointing it out just now. This series in particular has had a lot of additions that are hard to notice.


You didn't get the emails? I rely on emails to inform patrons of 90% of my posts

Angry Nerd Bird

While this is amazing, the treasure trove link doesn't seem to be working. I'd love to see alts, but the channel seems to not load correctly either on mobile or desktop. :V


You need to link your discord account to patreon for those channels to appear, see the 2nd last link at the bottom

Angry Nerd Bird

Huh that's weird, they were already connected ages ago but I guess something broke. Anyway thanks.


I think I did this now about 20 times with always the same result. Patreon access to Discord is functional, but clicking on "Join Server" next to bendzz results in an empty screen with the above message. Discord says "invitations should look like this: https://discord.gg/cool-people"


When you connect your discord account in patreon settings, almost instantly you should be added to my server, with the patron role to view those channels. Check near the top of your servers list on discord for an orange fox girl face. If you can't find it then make sure you're using the right discord and patreon accounts. And if you still can't then idk, you'll have to message patreon support for help. (I could just send you an invite but then you won't get the patrons-only channels)


These animations are top notch. Would love to see some more with either your horse/cow tfs. 💜


Thanks. They do seem popular, i hope to do more. Tho my most recent bunny ani is up around 85 work hours atm and I'm exhausted tbh


Well I can't speak for everyone but take your time with your work. Rest when you can and work when you're feeling it.


Iii think the 2 of them have TF'd enough for now... Let's see where it puts them

Rolo the donkey

Ohhh man I somehow didn't think it could get any better! This is actually some of the hottest bun TF I've seen. >>;;

Angry Nerd Bird

Wow, you somehow made it even hotter. 🥺💦


OOH now I want to see the black bunny girl get bred too


Well there are black alt colors of the sex videos from last month on discord, i think


I do apologize let me rephrase, I'd like to see the 2nd new bunny girl getting bred.


Yeah these animations are amazing. I'm just imagining what Milked would look like in an animated series. That would be months of work though. Although, maybe an animated conclusion to cap the series! Impressing the Ladies would also be dope as a animated short. Really just incredible work. Whatever you end up doing next I'll certainly be here to see it!!


If she's changing too, then did she ever inteand for them to turn back after they had their bunny fun?

jason xo

most incredible furrealistic animating ive ever seen. immersive af voice work & audio in the videos too 😳😖🥵


Could slip some animated bits in there, but keep in mind that every one of these GIFs was like 20 to 90 hours


I think her plan was for the 2 of them to bang with a condom so they could change back after... All the mental changes kinda stemmed from them being really overwhelmed


Ah okay. Also hat off to you and this series of animated gifs, hobestly never expected it to go past the first three so this was a treat.


This was another one of those that was like "ah I'll just do a quickie for easter before i get back to that dog comic". Cut to 2 months and well over 200 hours of animating later...


Yeah that's what I figured. I'll be content with whatever the content ends up being 😂.


More parts planned or is this it 🤔?


I think you put the black alt color in place of the original at part 4: girlfriend succumbs.


I did. Figured I'd mix it up with a black alt since that color was super popular on twitter and discord. The white alt is the main video linked though. (Also, the black GIF is half the size of the white one. No idea why. But it's way faster to load)


Is there a way to read the words in the white alt like the patreon images instead of just hearing them?


https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q8fft6rh7snkhyq7aea33/Easter-Gif-GF-13-SEX_-3.gif?rlkey=4v7hy981w2dno62kq8pj8mlu6&dl=0 alright, here's that GIF. FYI the dialogue is different in the videos. Very different


Sooo stunning!


I have been able to connect Patreon to the discord server of another user, Dragonseeker26, with a URL that sports discord.gg instead of discord.com. Seems, my discord client denies discord.com?