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I've decided to shut down my Patreon. I'm not making much from it, it's weirdly very stressful to me for some reason, and I have a hard time meeting end-of-the-month deadlines due to the chaotic nature of my life. Also, the exit surveys indicating that I'm basically "not doing enough" or "not active enough" kill my soul. 

Don't worry, I'm not quitting art or anything so dramatic as that. I'll continue uploading to DA, FA, Bluesky (soon) and my Discord server. I just don't feel that Patreon is a good fit for me. 

You can still support me with Shinies over on FA or Ko-fi if you like. I would certainly appreciate that.

Thanks for everything. ♥

Oh, and don't worry, you're not getting fleeced for the month. I will be uploading my last post here shortly. I got behind on work because company dropped in on me for a week and it befucked my schedule. So just hang tight for a bit.

Thanks again.





You've got to look out for your well being, and take the appropriate steps to insure your health/happiness. I wish you the best in all your endeavors.


Welp, sorry to hear the whole thing went down to badly in the end. I understand that it's not really worth losing nerves over then. Will def be dropping by on Ko-fi every now and then.