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This month has been absolute mayhem on a level I can't adequately articulate. Losing my mother so suddenly knocked me for several loops, some of which I could not possibly have prepared for. Assuming responsibility for three developmentally delayed individuals has been more of a challenge than I anticipated as well. On top of all that, I'm in the process of migrating to a new computer. It may take me a few days to get up and running then back on schedule. My monthly offerings will be a few days late. I'm sorry about that. 

Please, sit tight if you can but don't feel obligated to stay. I'm flailing a bit, I know, but amazingly, The Shitshow is still afloat. (At least for the time being.) When I do get back on track, (hopefully very shortly here) I have goodies for everyone.

Also, I'll be opening my Discord back up for students and tutorial sessions here shortly. To those of you who were relying on regular sessions, sorry for the inconvenience. I just need a little while longer. 

Take care and thank you for your support. I appreciate it immensely. 





Simone Spinozzi

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Sticking around. Just try to take care of yourself as best you can, okay?