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Hey, guys. :} 

It occurred to me I should let you know that I'm not planning on immediately giving out the full-sized images for my most recent project YET! I'm going to be waiting until I finish the whole story. Then I'll release the full-sized images to you guys all at once. This works out better since I'll have the opportunity to fine-tune and nitpick.  

What do I mean by that!? D8 Due to the nature of my visual impairment, I often miss little things- mistakes, inconsistencies, artifacts, etc on the first go-round. So letting the images sit for a while gives me an opportunity to go back and correct mistakes. Once the story is complete and I'm happy with how they look, you'll be getting the full portfolio.

Tier 1 will be getting full-sized jpgs. Tier 2 will get the same as Tier 1 + full-sized unflattened PSDs. Tier 3 will get all of those things and (on request) tutorials, process walk-throughs, WIPs, and personal one-on-one discussion about the works (note me if that appeals to you). 

I hope that makes sense. ^___^ Basically, I'm just asking that you sit tight. There's more to come and soon, you'll have all the full-sized images. 

Let me know if you like the comic style I've been doing or if you prefer singular high-detail illustrations or if you're ambivalent. S'all good. Just curous to hear your thoughts.

You guys are awesome. ♡ ❤ ♡  




Ambivalent here, both work out just as well. As for a release of full-size images, personally I'm not in a hurry, especially seeing the amount of polish you tend to apply on top of the mirror-shine polish and detail you give your works to begin with. You go, Miss!


I like the comic set up so far!