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My dear friends and supporters,

the time of Halloween, or Samhain as I call it, is approaching with great strides. For artists like me, it's always a great time, because we are often expected to create a Halloween comic.

In the last few weeks, I have also been sent this question frequently via messages here on Patreon and on Deviant Art. Everyone got the same copy&paste answer: No, I'm not planning a Halloween project.

It wasn't a lie, because I'm actually not planning on working on a Halloween project, but am already in the middle of it, as you can see from the picture above.

However, it is currently so that I'm quite tied up in time, because besides my work as an artist I have a large number of other tasks - such as a tax audit next month because the German tax offices are too stupid to book automatic monthly payments from Patreon and an immense amount for 2022 from me to claim, which I objected, because this is a double taxation. But anyway, back to the topic.

So that I can finish the comic for Halloween, I'll cut back on other projects a bit, so that for next week the actually typical upload plan can be cancelled... but not necessarily, because I'm trying to use pretty much every resource at the moment so that all work can appear as planned.

But this time, unfortunately, I can not guarantee it, so this posting. 

Stay healthy and don't let the turmoil of these crazy times get you down. 


Jim/ Amaz2k12


Cole jones

I hope you will be able to complete the Halloween comic in time.