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My dear friends and supporters,

a new month and new opportunities are opening up. This picture is my little extra thanks to all of you....

August was a very critical month for me, shortly after my vacation literally fell through and I became seriously ill. The "spontaneous" surgery in mid-August was urgently needed, actually I had the hope to be spared from it - but have once again had no luck. When the fresh suture became infected, I was on the verge of capitulation. But the infection was stopped and the wound now seems to heal well.

Since last week I'm active again and this time I'm strictly holding back and not working late into the night. Nothing is more important than health - especially not money.

Having already conveyed my thanks to Cole and Zoad yesterday, it is now time to thank you guys.

Most of you stay active here on my Patreon page, so that it already passed the 400 mark today and is currently at 407 active supporters, which makes me very happy, because I see that my work is appreciated by you.

This image is also in a 4k resolution, even larger and as portrait. I hope you like it.

Jim / Amaz2k12




As a "Quiet Observer" I'm very happy to see that things are getting better. I wish and hope for a fast recovery Jim *Heart*

Cole jones

Thank you for the kind words and I'm sorry that August kinda went to shit for you hopefully the rest of the year will prove to be better. And it's good to hear your doing things at your own pace right now so you don't push yourself.


I always see it as a challenge. Either it goes wrong or it goes wonderfully.


I'm glad that you as a "silent observer" still wrote a comment. Many thanks RedIce. :)