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Patreon apparently introduced a new feature and didn't inform me about it. Shame on the mods. :D It just caught my eye when I was preparing the next episode of "The Bimbo within 2" for next week Monday.

There are now so-called "Collections" where works, such as for a comic can be put together.

This makes it easier for you to find the images of a topic, such as the title of the comic centered in one place, saving you the time-consuming search or tags.

Using a computer, you can find these Collections on the artist's main page, right next to the "Home" button. I haven't found out yet where you can find Collections on a cell phone.

Under the Collections tab you will find, as soon as I have set everything up again, the collection that I will add directly when uploading the images (similar to a folder). Here I have already inserted "The Bimbo within 2" and fill it just now.

Likewise, there is the Tags Collection , where the filling runs by tags. 

I am glad that Patreon has finally introduced this collection feature. Many patrons canceled their membership because they had a hard time accessing specific content because they couldn't find it or had to search forever. With this new feature, this should now be much easier.

If you know how to access Collections from your cell phone, I would be happy to hear about it, I'll add it here. Thank you very much.

Have a great time, here on my Patreon page. Nice that you stay with it.

Jim/ Amaz2k12


Cole jones

Will could prove to be very convenient for artist like you in healing people find specific comics or a series of single pictures.