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Dear friends and supporters, we are already in the middle of June and for me it is time to talk to you about how the last half year went and what my plans are.

First of all, my heartfelt thanks to all of you who have stood firmly by my side for months and have accompanied me through very difficult times, which unfortunately are not yet completed, because my father's widow is infinitely money-hungry and is trying to claim that through various lawsuits. While my lawyer can now only laugh heartily about my father's widow, I feel less like laughing, because I'm hanging in the middle of a deep hole.

In terms of work, on the other hand, things are going extremely well. The months from October to March were the best ever for me. Many supporters have found their way to me, unfortunately the number has been steadily decreasing since March - which I can understand, the situation in this world is partly disgusting.

Nevertheless, I am working far beyond my limit. Be it the three ongoing comics, be it the single images or various projects I create here on Patreon. But also privately I'm just on the road. Since I'm leading a political group in my city since January 1st, I have a lot to do with administration and local politics, talk to citizens, create applications and requests and make phone calls. This commitment is noticeable, unfortunately not always in a positive way.

A psychologist who was supposed to help me with my depression has now explained to me that instead of coping with the grief of my father's death, I have become addicted to work and that my body has only limited resources due to its previous illnesses (and also because I am almost 46 years old).

I notice this clearly at the moment. It is not only difficult for me to concentrate, but also physically I feel completely exhausted and empty. When I sleep 2 to 4 hours a night, I dream confusedly and get up again completely exhausted.

Therefore, I think about to take a "short break" from mid-July for 2 to 3 weeks in the early August and just go on vacation. Not in Germany or another EU country...but really far away. What now comes is still in the planning stage. 

Currently I'm looking whether I fly to the Dominican Republic or fulfill a dream since childhood and can finally get to know the United States of America. Some of you may know but I always wanted to immigrate and become a US citizen - unfortunately it never worked out. 

Anyway, as always I will keep you up to date as soon as my plans for the vacation become tenable.

Until then, the stories will continue to be told and new pictures uploaded. So this post is just an information for you.

Amaz2k12 / Jim



Take the time you need, at less you see you need to give your mind and body a break before it would end badly


Take as much time as you need mate ❤️

Cole jones

Sorry to hear your going through so much I hope that vacation will help you greatly you definitely deserve it.


Health is the most important thing. You are right. Enjoy your break.


Have fun and relax, nothing is more important than your own health.


Half some fun will be here when you get back from your brake!


I agree with the others. Have fun and relax a little, and if you need something we'll be here :)


Thank you :) Next week I have an appointment with my main doc...I am curious what she will say...O_O