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Tomorrow a long-term project of mine comes to an end. Eve, the  First Bimbo, was planned by me under a different working title and  rewritten after the first pages. In the course of time, Eve and her twin  sister Lillith were joined by many other characters and deities in the  comic. A project that I enjoyed from the first moment, simply because  the time of 10,000 BC, as well as the abundance of mystical  possibilities were manifold. But everything has an end and this comic  has reached its.

All told, the comic runs 345  pages and is rated X-Rated. Numerous transformations, but also an  exciting story tell the path from the fighter Eve, a defender of her  village to the high priestess of a new cult of a female deity, Lustra.  This is the goddess of lust and passion, who together with her sister  were banished by her jealous brother Yahweh and at least Lustra has now  come free again and she turns to Eve to become her first high priestess.  However, she has made the calculation without her integrant and highly  obdurate brother.

The comic contains

  • 345 Pages 
  • Rated X
  • Ideologically sensitive content
  • nudity on Female and Males
  • sexual themes
  • no living or real persons (CGI)

    It will be released tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. cest for my Main ($8/ per month) and Second Content ($13/ per month) Supporters here on Patreon.

These Transformations are inside the ongoing Comic:

  • Breast Expansion
  • Bimbofication
  • Ass Expansion
  • Hip Grow
  • Long Legs
  • Male to Female TransGender (MtFTG)
  • Height Growing Woman
  • Height Shrinking Woman
  • Amazone Women
  • Giant Women
  • Muscule Growth
  • Pregnancy
  • Age Regression
  • Age Progression
  • Female Muscle Grow
  • Hair Growth
  • Ditzification
  • Slutification


Are  you a Bible-believing person? Then this comic is nothing for you. This  is the Story of Eve (the first woman according to the Bible) and how her  life changed to become the first Bimbo. This comic does not take  into account Yahweh, nor other mystical, religious figures, because the  religion taught me that these exercise their goals without regard for  the people to achieve their goals.Those who do not like this should not get this work. This work is clearly Ideologically sensitive content, showing nudity with sexual themse. Nothing for DeviantArt or other pages ;)



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