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My dear friends,

if supporters jump off and stop supporting, everyone has the opportunity to participate in a short survey. 

These are rarely helpful for me as a creator, because the answers Patreon gives are only very rough and don't really show me what bothers people.

For example, I often read that I am not very active or that people do not see the benefits. Those two are the mostly used answers from the survey.

However, I still upload daily and thereby deliver my promised benefits (content) and am more active than many other artists. So I never really understood these two points of the survey.

Therefore, I checked my Patreon settings the last few days and went down to the basics.

I found out that the e-mail settings for new uploads were deactivated and new uploads are therefore only displayed via the "News Feed", which - depending on how many artists you support - can be very confusing.

These errors have now been fixed by me and every supporter should now receive an e-mail from me after each upload where, in addition to the preview, the corresponding link to the posting is included.

I would be very happy about any feedback whether the system now works perfectly and you have been informed by mail about new uploads.

Jim / Amaz2k12


Cole jones

I didn't really have this problem so nothing really changes for me. Good to hear you fixed the problem for others though.


I hope, of course, that was the cause of the problem, Cole. But I don't know.