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My dear friends,

two weeks ago I asked you for your opinion which comic should follow after "DNA-ReWritten" for the Second Content Tier here on Patreon.

Yesterday the poll ended and 149 of you voted.

The next comic aside from "The Addiction of Bimbohood" in the $13 Tier will be "The mischievous Bimbo Genie" from Cole Jones...who will also be the Co-Author for this comic he will do the text passages. My gratulations Cole.

So, how will it come, what is the plan?

- Tomorrow DNA-ReWritten will come to an end, everything is already sheduled for that. The files are uploaded, including the final PDF File.

- $13 Supporter will have access to it at 06:00 p.m. (18:00) CEST, in a month it will be uploaded to my Cloud.

- Cole has send me his first ideas and we talked about the first pages.

- Working Shortcut will be "TmBG"

- Right now I am working on the first three pages, when they are done I will send them to Cole as a PreView for the text.

- I hope that those comic pages will be done for next week on Tuesday, but I can't promise. In that case a small sequence will be uploaded as Gap filler until the first comic pages of the new comic are finished.

Many thanks to all of you for your participation and I hope you will enjoy the new comic.




The Joker

Awesome ! I suddenly have an interest in random magical happenings such as those that take place with witches and genies.