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While my Computer is rendering the picture for one of the next weeks comics I had some time to work on my little Game Project

The Bimbo Village

Last time we had a look on our Village, which will be the Bimbo Village one day. This time I overworked the Players Home. So I increased the size, also the look of the Main Level also the basement. I also added a first Floor, the picture will come later.

The players home got an huge upgrade. The first version was very small, so you could see the end of the place when you enterd the home the first time. The new Players Home is now 3 times bigger then the old one. When you enter the home (south) you only can see part of the "reception" Desk, but not up to the end of the House.

On the other side the basement got reduced, but it have now more options then the first version. It is also the place where, right now the first Boss Battle against the busty FireDemon will be. Here I am still working on the light settings, which can be very problematic...every time I used to strong light the Game FPS crashed. Right now I need to figure out what went wrong.

In the other pictures you could see some InGame Tests I run, looking if the light and fog settings are working well or if the events cause any troubles. The battle test with the busty FireDemon was another part I focused on, also on the rats...busy little critters they are. Right now it is very unbalanced, but that is something I will fix very soon.
