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Hello all,

it's incredible, but it's already October. The scariest month of the year has started again, time for me to show you some changes.

The first change, the TaskTier level

Some of you are probably wondering why I didn't reactivate it after my vacation in July. The TaskTier originally started as a single picture version, without sequence. That means that everyone who wanted to could have his own personal picture designed by me. It was planned that the largest amount of time would be spent on the comics, while the single pictures would usually take a maximum of 2 days.

At the request of one of the first TaskTier supporters, I once allowed a small sequence out of interest & good nature, which eventually got so out of hand that people sometimes sent me 60 pages of story and asked me to pack it into a sequence / month, preferably as a comic. 

In the end it was so that I do not invest as originally planned maximum 2 days per image but at least 1 week + in ever more extensive sequences. This meant that the other regular projects came too short. So that this does not happen I worked to the maximum, proverbially. Until my vacation and the break of the TaskTier I usually worked until 2 o'clock in the morning and started around 5 / 6 o'clock from the new one.

Since this is not in the long run in the sense of my already bad health, I decided to leave this level completely deactivated for the time being and to concentrate mainly on the comics.

The second change, the billing model for new supporters

Last week Patreon introduced a new billing model, after the old one unfortunately led more and more often to a double charge for supporters and therefore to trouble, because nobody wants to pay twice.

The new system, which I activated on September 30th, now ensures that new supporters will be charged from the day they activated the support. That means: Someone who starts his support on the 10th will always be billed by Patreon on the 10th. Especially for the supporters among you who receive their salary later in the month a nice thing.

However, the new system does not apply to older supporters, who will still be billed at the end of the month.

My reason for changing this model was that I don't want anyone to be charged twice when they join and that you as my supporters should get more overview about your billing. I think this is a win win situation for you.

And those were the two most important changes for October. I am looking forward to this month with all of you and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support here on Patreon, which has turned my hobby into my profession that I have been living off of for over a year now.

Thank you very much
Jim / Amaz2k12



Cole jones

I excited to see what you do this month.

Cole jones

I like the image in this post makes me wish you were making a Halloween comic this year but I understand your still doing basically three comics and multiple single pictures a week so it would be hard to do a Halloween comic this time.