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And now Claire show us a masterpiece of seducing someone...

*There was a happy little accident in my yesterdays upload...Page75 is originaly Page 76 on which I was working as I saved 75....but I saved 76 on 75 and today I see the mistake. So I fixed my happy little accident right now and Page 75 is now correct. Also in the PDF File.

Published Pages of DNA Re-Written:

# DNA Re-Written 001 - 003
# DNA Re-Written 004 - 006
# DNA Re-Written 007 - 009
# DNA Re-Written 010 - 012
# DNA Re-Written 013 - 015
# DNA Re-Written 016- 018
# DNA Re-Written 019- 021
# DNA Re-Written 022- 024
# DNA Re-Written 025- 027
# DNA Re-Written 028- 030
# DNA Re-Written 031- 033
# DNA Re-Written 034- 036
# DNA Re-Written 037- 039
# DNA Re-Written 040- 042
# DNA Re-Written 043- 045
# DNA Re-Written 046- 048
# DNA Re-Written 049- 051
# DNA Re-Written 052- 054
# DNA Re-Written 055- 057
# DNA Re-Written 058- 060
# DNA Re-Written 061- 063
# DNA Re-Written 064- 066
# DNA Re-Written 067- 069
# DNA Re-Written 070- 072



Cole jones

How many more pages would you say are left because this comic feels like it's nearing it's ending? Also I'm interested to see what she is going to do with him either make him into a bimbo too or a big himbo since she thinks he saw something with what she was doing.


To be true...I really do not know. I never plan my comics- there are no writtings or scripts. Every page you and all other see came directly out of my mind. So I can't say how much pages will follow. When my feeling say me: "Finish and start something new" I bring an Comic to an end...when not, it continues. And what will happen next...well that you will see in the coming weeks ;)