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Hello all,

amazing how fast time flies. It's July and even this month is already half over. In 2 weeks my page here on Patreon will celebrate its first one year anniversary and a lot has happened since then.

Some of you have been with me from the beginning, many have joined and some change every month. All in all, I am very happy that my Patreon is working so well, both in terms of content and stability. All this would not be possible without each of you and I really hope that you like the content I show you. So my big thanks goes out to all of you in this form. Thank you so much!

What's next, what will come? Well, the first thing coming up is a little vacation on my part. So for the first 2 weeks of August I won't be at home and work...but don't worry, except for the TaskTierLevel there are no restrictions, I'm working on the content right now, so that even in times of my absence you will be continuously supplied with the 3 running ongoing comics, but also with the single images. I'm only switching off the Task Tier Level because two weeks are too short to produce up to 5 new sequences at short notice, not in the quality you're used to from me.

In the coming Patreon year (August 22 to 23) I plan to modernize my computer a bit and add more processing power. On the one hand to be able to offer you even better content, but also to upgrade my own German-language gaming YouTube channel with current projects. So I often try to create a good animation, but here I lack not only the knowledge but also the computing power, so I have to teach myself everything to be able to offer you good animations. But I am confident that I will be able to do this.

My own game project "BimboVille" doesn't make any progress at the moment, since May I didn't get to work on it, so you won't find any news about it. But like before: The project still exists and one day the game will be complete.

And that's it from my side. Thank you very much for your support. Without you the current content would not be possible.

Best wishes, stay save and healthy,