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Hey there everyone,

as you know I (as all other artists i think) often have a problem with uploaded works on E-Hentai and other pages.

This time it is different.

A few days ago an supporter send me an DM and asked me for permission to upload (and manage) all Single Pictures until April 2022. Thank you for asking me. After a short thinking time I said Yes and gave him my permission.

So he createt an Gallery on E-Hentai and uploaded a lot of my older works.

It was important for me that June and May was not be part of this upload series, because they are to new to be uploaded somewhere else and my supporters only should have access to them.

In August he is allowed to upload the Single Pictures for May. So will be there an difference from 2 month between the Patreon content and that what will be shown on E-Hentai.



Nice to hear they got permission


E-hentai and it’s extreme counterpart Exhentai have always been a good place for a vast array of content, unfortunately it’s also a place where some users deliberately go out of their way to ruin an artists monthly income too by posting their patreon or subscribestar content. I wish their were better ways to crack down on jerks who do that.


Yes, exactly that. That is the point why I try everytime, when I see an upload without my permission, that it got removed. I have to say that E-Hentai is the only site where the Admins or Moderators are doing that after I marked an gallery as DMCA Violation (Copyright) The guy who asked for my persion often comment on stolen content as you did and say: "Hey, when you like his work...support him on Patreon." And that is great. This and the permission question was the point why I said: Yes, you are allowed to upload the Single Pictures, but there has to be a time difference between my uploaded content here and there on E-Hentai.