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Hello there,

after the experience with the Guideline Violation here on Patreon I thought about multiple ways. But most I do not liked and earased them.

Mostly I create NSFw Stuff, which is slight pornograpfic, but extremly mild. As we saw now even a slight difference in pose and text could bring trouble for me as Creator, which could easily be my personal and financial ruin.

So I thought about ways where I could post my stuff, which is to extrem for Patreon and far to extrem for Deviant Art, like the deleted Bazira Pages.

I took an longer look on SubscribeStar.adult...and it looks interessting. My only problem is: They do not use PayPal and I do not have an credit Card or something like that (Credit Cards are here not so popular as in the US and yes: I pay everything cash^^ as in the old days)

So my question: Do you have any experience with SubscribeStar.adult and can say about it here as comment?



What pages did you have to delete from Bazira?🤔


What if you link an archive with deleted scenes? Or would that be a violation too?

person A

I know some others use Pixiv fanbox


I use SubscribeStar for one subscription. It's not that different to Patreon. I haven't come across any dealbreaking issues. I don't use PayPal, so I don't know what to suggest in that respect


I wish I could help :(


Thanks. It would only for the harcore content...which is very rare. But for works like the deleted Eve Pages (which are all on my HDD) it would be a good side...i think