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Future of the Archive

  • Yes, close the tier 19
  • No, let it open 53
  • 2022-06-12
  • —2022-06-19
  • 72 votes
{'title': 'Future of the Archive', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, close the tier', 'votes': 19}, {'text': 'No, let it open', 'votes': 53}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 19, 10, 27, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 12, 10, 22, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 72}


Hey there everyone,

in my last Information posting I have talked about the last voting. In this we have seen that the Archive, with 19 active Patreons is not really usefull and 3 of 5 voters did not liked this tier.

In the last 2 days I have thought a lot about this tier.

As I planned my reopening last year in January until June "The Archive" was planned that only Patreons who are "Archive Supporters" get access to the Archive, because there always was people who asked only for that older works of mine.

I have rejected this idea and gave all following tiers ($8, $13, $40) this access too, because these supporters pay a lot more and should get more content. The only one who did not get access was the TipJar/ Single Picture Tier for $2.

And it truly is the most inactive tier of all my tiers, because all my comics are always ongoing and far over 50 pages long (which need time to be createt). Most tiers ($2, $8 and $13) have two upload days. The Task Tier is the limited Commission Tier which is used everytime a Commission is done (up to 5 uploads per month) and the Archive get all two months an upload from SinglePictures, Commission works or when a Comic is finished and closed.

After I have seen that the Archive Tier is more or less useless I thought that I should deactivate that tier. But as always I make those decission as a democratic vote, because you are my Supporter here on Patreon and my success would not be possible without you.

The poll will be open for a week (19 June 2022) and I will send an reminder every two days, so that all Patreons could  see and use this voting. Only one response per Person is setted.

So, my question: Should the Archive Tier be closed? (This means the $5,50 only, the access to the Cloud Archive will stay intakt for all tiers above)

When you vote for closing this tier it will be closed by the end of the month.



I would say close it. the price difference is to small with 1 tier up (you also get much more content). But than also i would say ppl keep using it so why not keep it open. If it is to much trouble to keep it running than just close it


Exactly Sann, that is one of the points why I asked all here. There are some people using this tier, but it is nearly useless. The difference between the Archive and the Main Content tier is $1,50, where much more content is shown...but on the other hand are there enough people who are struggling with $5,50 or even $2 per month. So I will look what my Patreons decide and this decission is that what will come for this tier. Of course it would be easier to deactivate it, but democrazy is very important for me and my supporter should always exactly know why I do things in the way I do and have the possibilty to bring their votes in.


imo you should change the archive tier so that the price for it fits what you would want someone to pay to download all your previous works! often when theres a tier that lets you access all of an artists' previous content, thats what many people do, download it all. better to be ahead of that game!


Hm, and what would be a fair price for all that previous work Rose?