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How happy are you with each tier here on Patreon?

  • I am happy with the Single Tier ($2) 9
  • I am NOT happy with the Single Tier ($2) 0
  • I am happy with the Archive Tier ($5,50) 2
  • I am NOT happy with the Archive Tier ($5,50) 3
  • I am happy with the Main Content Tier ($8) 10
  • I am NOT happy with the Main Content Tier ($8) 1
  • I am happy with the Second Content Tier ($13) 32
  • I am NOT happy with the Second Content Tier ($13) 0
  • I am happy with the Task Tier ($40) 5
  • I am NOT happy with the Task Tier ($40) 0
  • 2022-05-31
  • —2022-06-07
  • 62 votes
{'title': 'How happy are you with each tier here on Patreon?', 'choices': [{'text': 'I am happy with the Single Tier ($2)', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'I am NOT happy with the Single Tier ($2)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'I am happy with the Archive Tier ($5,50)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'I am NOT happy with the Archive Tier ($5,50)', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'I am happy with the Main Content Tier ($8)', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'I am NOT happy with the Main Content Tier ($8)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'I am happy with the Second Content Tier ($13)', 'votes': 32}, {'text': 'I am NOT happy with the Second Content Tier ($13)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'I am happy with the Task Tier ($40)', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'I am NOT happy with the Task Tier ($40)', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 7, 16, 0, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 31, 11, 0, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 62}


Mai is mostly over and this month was...strange for me as Artist here on Patreon. I have seen that many more people have quit their support as usual (their is always an fluctuation) and I am curious why. Some left the typical Patreon Feedback (don't want to pay taxes, not happy with the content etc), but for me as Patreon Content Creator this is not really helpfull to figure out what exactly is wrong, because 99% of my supporters here stay silent so I do what the normaly politics world wide do mostly: I do my job as usual, because I think that the people are Happy with it.

But I see the numbers and see how they decrease and as a self-doubting person I always ask myself: Is it my work? Do I something wrong? Are my comments to rude?  And after that I start to ask: Is it the situation in generell, something private?

So I thought I start with the basics and created this poll to ask You, my supporters about my content. So the only area I can really influence here on Patreon. In this poll you can choose how happy you are with the content of each Tier ($2, 5,50, 8, 13 and 40).

I know that some want more 18+ content, but this is very problematic. Patreon has very strict guidelines  about pornographic work  and is very indistinct where exactly the line is. So they say: We don’t allow pornographic material or sexual services  on Patreon, which we define as “real people engaging in sexual acts  such as masturbation or sexual intercourse on camera.”
For me as CGI Artist is it clear: My figures never are / was real they just look photorealistic ... so I could create pornographic material. So far, so good. But I have seen enough artists who work in the same way as I and got a permanent bann from Patreon..because of their pornographic material. And this makes me unsure what Patreon define as "real people" and so I hold this content as low as possible because Patreon is my only income I have. A permanent bann would be my bankrupt.

Working with another cloud is also not very helpfull. I have experienced in my first Patreon try and with my actuall Archive that the content, which lay on a cloud causes trouble for some supporters and I they do not find the content, no matter how many Links I send or explanation i give. On the other hand I can not explain why so many people don't find the Archived content, which is explained in my fixed Information topic and contact me via DM every day as asking me for the Archive...

Other sides, like Slushee as example are not helpfull, it would be a split of the content and for me as "Businessmen" who fear the yearly german tax accounting (which starts this month) it is more then hard to do my taxes correct. (because the german Tax authority don't understand or know how Patreon or other Micro Income Websites work and say that People like me are doing undeclared work and I need to explain every € or even $ which is not correctly earned in their eyes (I really hate them))

So, let me know, what do you think about the tiers and their content? Please be honest ;) If a Tier exist where the people are not happy with I have to figure out what I should do with this tier in future.

The poll will be open for a Week and multiple respons options are possible. 3 Days left, please remember to vote :) Thank you


Jay Jay

I usually like your work just fine(especially when I’m able to afford Task tier) usually if I’m unsubed it’s do to financial issuers or wishing to sub to other patrons for a period.

Cole jones

I personally really like your work it was some of the first of this kind of artwork that I ever saw and got me into it (don't know what this kind of art is called) and while I understand people who want more +18 stuff in your comics I also understand that you can't risk it I still love you work. And hey maybe for sex scene that might be more risky on Patreon you could make a bonus page or 2 that can be seen in the downloadable file that you make when a comic ends. All in all I do still love you work and I would only stop being a patron if I was having financial problems thankfully I'll be able to continue being a Patron in June so here to hopefully another month of great comics from you.


Very Happy with the Task Tier, couldnt complain c:


I'm good with the content last month was slow but you were doing a good job explaining way an keeping people updated on what they needed to know.


Your work, in both both content volume and quality are top notch. Couldn't be happier. You provide excellent value for money. $13 can feel like a lot some months, but that's a me problem

craig macmillan

Keep up the good work - I am happy at the $13 tier and have followed your art since your early pencil gifs of BE aliens!!


Oh, this an very long time since this work was released :) Thank you very much.


Yea, I am thinking how to add such scenes more often, so that nobody can see it from the official side


Yes, the one Week was unplanned, that is true. It is important for me to let my supporters know why I need to decrease or stop uploading something.

Dylan Derot

I love your work and how its always oringlal ideas keep up the good work


I'm happy with how everything goes =) some other artist do use some kind of cloud storage for there work. seems to work for them ?


Yes, I had bad experience with cloud service in my first try. But I will look if i find a way...and how far the guidelines can be...stretched ;)